2 Hungry, Hungry Hoodoo

Read Online 2 Hungry, Hungry Hoodoo by Liz Schulte - Free Book Online

Book: 2 Hungry, Hungry Hoodoo by Liz Schulte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liz Schulte
melted gold. His nearly black hair was slicked back from his young face.
    “How do you know that’s him?” I whispered.
    “I made a point to find out what he looked like before we came tonight,” Jaron said.
    I squeezed his arm. Then I released him and glided through the beautiful people to stop beside the man. He turned to me with a pleasant smile, but his face froze when he met my eyes. We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. His hand crept toward my face. “You look just like Elizabeth,” he whispered.
    “Hello, Father,” I said just as quietly.
    Tears filled his beguiling eyes—and mine.
    “Hello, Tahlik. Who do we have here?” a voice came from behind him.
    My heart stopped. The Erlking. My head snapped toward the floor and I curtsied but never looked up. The Erlking didn’t approve of mixing races, never had. I could feel his eyes on me, but I continued to study the marble floor.
    “She’s, well…” I watched my father’s feet shift uncomfortably. “No one. She’s nothing. A half-elf.”
    The king snapped his fingers. I wasn’t certain what I should do. I began to explain and a hand took my arm. I looked back through the tears expecting to see Jaron, but two of the king’s guards blocked my view.
    “Father,” I said. “If you would just talk to me—”
    Neither the king nor my father acknowledged my words. The guards lifted me from the ground and carried me outside by my arms, tossing me unceremoniously into the night. I crumpled to the ground, ruining my new dress.
    Strong arms lifted me up and crushed me in a hug. I sobbed on Jaron’s shoulder and he held me tighter, but still so carefully. “I’m sorry, my love,” he said, running a soothing hand over my back.
    I opened my eyes, and Jaron sat back in his chair, watching me. I stayed in stunned silence. I did remember that. I never tried to speak to my father again after that night and he never contacted me. Jaron told me I didn’t need a father. I had Aunt Lorelei, Sy, and him, but I was angry and I couldn’t let it go. The anger built and built until I couldn’t contain it anymore. That was when I started losing control and destroying anything in my wake.
    “Your lips taste different,” he said quietly.
    “You’ve always been with me.” I didn’t comprehend his words. My mind was still spinning and blood was rushing through my veins as early memories poured back into me. It was like he broke the dam.
    He looked down at his hands. “Why do you taste different, Selene?” The cold softness in his voice startled me back to reality. I tried to ignore the dizziness and talk to him.
    “So this whole thing is about revenge because my father wouldn’t accept me? Am I really that petty?”
    Jaron grabbed my hand and squeezed it until I was worried he might crack the bones. I tried to pull away, but he held on. “This incident opened your eyes to the world we lived in. Half-elves—and any fae who stooped to associate with us—lived in fear and exile. We were barely tolerated as servants. You endeavored to change that. You made the Abyss take notice of us. We are not inferior. Your rebellion wasn’t petty. It was revolutionary.” Those smoldering eyes drilled into mine. “Now tell me. Why do you taste different?”
    “I don’t know what you mean.”
    He licked his lips and looked suspicious, but I had no idea why. Finally he dropped my hand.
    “How did you give me that memory? Why didn’t it hurt?”
    Jaron’s eye twitched and his fists were clenched, but his voice was calm. “All things in time.”
    “I need answers. Did you burn down my studio? Do you know where Michael is?”
    He frowned. “I was only at your studio after it burned because I knew you would eventually come. I don’t know who this Michael person is. Do you care to elaborate?”
    “Michael was a human friend of mine, and he was apparently taken. It wasn’t by the rebels?”
    A bitter laugh came from Jaron. “We would

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