Melinda Heads West

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Book: Melinda Heads West by Robyn Corum Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn Corum
Tags: Romance, Historical
thought of Mindy, but then tried to dispel her from his mind. Lucas would take care of her. His mom was his last thought as the gun fired.
    • • •
    At the campsite, Mindy was warming beef jerky and water in her tin cup to make a simple broth for Lucas. When she heard the shot, she instinctively looked toward her bag. It sat closed and untouched and she knew her gun was inside. As a matter of fact, she had been chastised repeatedly to keep it out and nearby whenever Boone was gone.
    Jumping up, she began running through the woods. Branches and briars pulled at her dress and her flesh, but she was unmindful. “Boone!” she cried. “Boone, where are you?”
    After a few yards, she picked up a faint trail made by deer and followed it, hoping Boone would have done the same. She continued to holler his name as she ran. Finally, she stopped. The trail had played out. “Boone!” She glanced around her, and spied the rabbit trap. She knew he was close by.
    Mindy began making an ever-widening circle. “Boone! You idiot, don’t scare me like this! Where are you?” Panic had begun to set in.
    Creeping through the brambles and branches, Mindy almost stumbled over him. His lifeless body was laying partially hidden in a close copse of trees. She fell to his side. There was a wound to the left side of his head. He had been struck by a bullet — the wound was deep but she hoped not life-threatening. Blood still poured from it, a good sign.
    Mindy’s vision was clouded by tears. “Boone! Wake up! Wake up.” She crumpled onto his chest. “Wake up,” she cried. “You big oaf, quit scaring me! You can’t die!”
    Boone moaned. Mindy sat back up and took great gulps of air, hiccupping. “Boone. Can you hear me? Look at me!”
    Though slight in form, she suddenly had added strength. She grabbed Boone by his shirt collars and shook him. “Wake up!”

Chapter Fifteen
    Boone grunted.
    Mindy fell on his chest crying with relief. “Can you hear me?” she asked. “I need you! You have to be all right.”
    “I’m not … too good, actually.” Boone struggled to sit up. Melinda grabbed his arms and pulled him upright.
    “What happened?”
    “The Byler brothers came by … for another visit.” He glanced around dazedly, seeking his discarded vest. Picking it up, he checked the linings. “They took the money.”
    “To the dickens with the money, Gary Boone!” She snatched the vest away and pressed it to his wound. “You’re bleeding like a stuck pig. We’ve got to get you back to camp.”
    “I would be a dead man if that Byler fellow had been shooting with his good hand. I don’t guess he’s as good an aim with his left. He had the right one bandaged.”
    “It’s bad enough as it is! Can you walk?”
    Boone struggled to stand. Mindy grasped him around the waist and he leaned his weight against her. She bent down and grabbed his hat.
    “Did we catch a rabbit yet?” Boone’s lips went up in a smirk.
    Mindy started crying all over again. “I don’t know, you idiot. I don’t care about food right now!”
    “Really? What is it you care about? I sure didn’t think you’d care if I was shot dead.”
    “Of course I’d care! What do you think I am? I need you!”
    Boone’s eyebrows lifted.
    “That is, I need you to help me care for Lucas.”
    “Oh. Of course.”
    “What did you think I meant? Just for hunting food?”
    “No. Never mind.”
    They arrived at the campsite to see Lucas sitting upright against a fallen log. He was poking the fire and adding twigs. When he saw them coming, he attempted to stand.
    “No, no.” Boone waved a hand and then gestured to Mindy. “I’m okay. I’ve got the doctor here.”
    “What happened?” Lucas asked. “I woke up when I heard a gunshot. I assumed it was you hunting for supper, but I take it our friends have been back?”
    “Yeah, but they didn’t know you’ve been shot. They weren’t interested in coming here. They just wanted the money.” He limped to the

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