
Read Online McDonald_NoELFngWay_GEN_Dec2015 by Donna McDonald - Free Book Online

Book: McDonald_NoELFngWay_GEN_Dec2015 by Donna McDonald Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna McDonald
Tags: Holiday Romance, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
jeans until her matching red thong was visible.
    “That’s very pretty too,” Dash declared. “Seeing you in red lace was on my Christmas list… along with your red shoes. But I don’t want to be greedy. Besides, those jeans fit very nicely.”
    “Stop joking and kiss me like you did Sunday,” Vixen ordered. “I promise not to run this time.”
    Dash’s mouth covered hers in a blaze of heat, which triggered a frantic flurry of kissing. Clothes were soon slid down and away. She undid the buttons of his dress shirt with more speed than she knew she possessed. It soon fell to the floor. Then his white fitted t-shirt was in her hands and pulled over his head.
    Caught up in admiring his shoulders and chest, she laughed a little when his pants and underwear hit the floor like they were a set. Her gaze fell and a blush climbed her face for the first time in years. His desire for her made her more nervous than any man’s ever had.
    Then his mouth was on hers again and she forgot to be afraid. Dash’s kisses drugged her and she never felt his talented fingers undoing the clasp of her bra until it joined her sweater on the chair.
    She was arching under his hands and thinking “finally” when Dash froze and swore.
    “God… I’m a freaking idiot,” Dash declared when he could speak. “I had pretty much given up on this ever happening so I have no protection with me.”
    Vixen sighed over his thoughtfulness in the middle of her mindless bliss. Not all men cared. She knew that for a fact.
    “It’s okay. I’m glad at least one of us thought of it. There’s a condom in my purse. It should still be good.”
    She eased her swollen breasts away from Dash’s chest to walk across the room. She realized then she still wore the red thong. Fishing out the protection from its hiding place, she strolled back to the man who waited patiently, even though he was obviously enjoying the show.
    “Merry Christmas, Dasher Sleigh. It’s not expired,” Vixen declared, handing it over. “Make it count, would you? I only have one.”
    Dash smiled at his wicked intentions of doing just that. “How thoughtful of you to pick the perfect gift for me, Vixen Dunder. Normally everything I get myself for Christmas needs batteries.”
    “How strange. Me too. I guess that’s another thing we have in common,” she teased.
    “You better not be talking about what I think you are.” Dash tugged the laughing woman he wanted down to the bed and fell on her before he lost his mind.

Chapter 7
    “When were you going to tell me?” Dash demanded.
    Cupid sighed. “Never… if I could have gotten away with it. My plan was to buy out the stock of those robot toys that turn into cars and hope he didn’t remember.”
    Dash rubbed his forehead. The other volunteers had passed along five copies of Nicky’s original letter to Santa. He could only assume Vixen had done something with the original.
    Had she looked at the letter before she tossed it in the trash somewhere?
    Did she know what his son wanted?
    Damn it. And if she did know, why in hell hadn’t Vixen said anything to him? Was she campaigning for the position and just playing some kind of head game about it? Not that he would have minded… she was everything he had needed and wondered if he’d ever find again.
    His sigh of frustration bounced off the kitchen walls. “Do you think Nicky thinks Vixen is his answer from Santa?”
    Cupid shook her head and chuckled. “No. Nicky thinks Vixen is a helpful elf with a crazy daughter. Dancer kept asking him if she could call him Nicky Santa instead of Nicky. It made him laugh each time she asked, but I could tell he was forcing himself not to tell her what he truly thought. I praised him that night for his restraint.”
    “I can’t tell him I’m dating Vixen now… at least not until after Christmas. He knows what dating means. He knows it can lead to marriage. He asked me if you and Blix got married, would Blix be his grandfather?”

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