Church of Chains

Read Online Church of Chains by Sean O'Kane - Free Book Online

Book: Church of Chains by Sean O'Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sean O'Kane
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
an orgasm, and the harder they drove her the more she came. Totally beyond caring for anything except the next brutal assault from hands or cocks she tottered from table to table, burning and sore. But time and again she knelt, straddled a lap or bent over a table. She heard the amused comments as she moaned and sighed out her climaxes. The tiny apron became sticky and crusted with semen as she wiped herself with it after each man had finished. And when it seemed that she would surely collapse from exhaustion, the games began. The two girls held imprisoned in the centre of the room having been ignored all night now became the centre of attention. Paula watched as two of the initiates were singled out. Each initiate knelt in front of a girl and at a signal from one of the men began to lick at the wrenched open sexes before them. The object was to see which initiate could get her girl to climax first. They played the best of three, laughing as the wretched prisoners moaned and writhed futilely in their restraints while the tongues of the kneeling girls flicked and probed, licked and rasped. Paula had never seen a woman having sex with another woman, but she was so tired she couldn’t be shocked, just glad of the rest it gave her aching body. But as each of the prisoners came to a shuddering climax, then relaxed back into their chains while the relentless assault of the tongues continued, Paula was amazed to find her own sex quivering and spasming in sympathy with the ones being so expertly teased into repeated orgasms.
    After one of the girls had stretched rigid, shuddered and screamed at the third orgasm the game was over. And now Paula and her companions became the centre of attention, and while the brothers and sisters cheered and laughed they were ridden round the room. Freed of their trays they crawled on all fours while various brothers rode on their backs and spurred them on with their heels kicking at the girls’ thighs. They rode them until they collapsed, their hands and knees burning from the carpet. One of the sisters stood over them as they lay huddled and gasping on the floor and plied her crop a few times but although they stirred and moaned they couldn’t go on. Paula let the pain rip across her bottom and thighs. It was worth it just to lie down.
    Reluctantly the game was abandoned and they were left to lie where they had collapsed. At long last Paula heard people begin to drift away and a man’s shoe prodded her in the ribs. He told them to get up and slowly they staggered to their feet. The girls in the centre of the room had been taken down and had gone. The brother who had made them get up now took them back to their cells. In the corridor outside the Lounge, Paula saw several of the brothers entering what must have been their rooms. Some of them were taking sisters with them but the initiates had gone. Staggering with weariness they made the long walk back.
    Once in their cells their wrists were locked to their collars and their collars chained to the wall.
    Paula slept immediately.



    Chapter 6
    Breakfast the next morning followed the same pattern as the previous night’s supper. Sister Lavinia stood ready to hear their submission, administer the crop and then let them eat. This time there was no hesitation. All the girls accepted that there was no help for it. Paula was fifth in line for the beating and hardly noticed the regular swish and crack of the crop as it worked its way towards her. It still hurt every bit as much though, she thought ruefully as she eased her buttocks onto the bench to eat. Out of the corner of her eye she watched the men enjoying the spectacle of the bent-over girls receiving their ration. At least tonight it would be three other girls serving in the Lounge where all the day’s pent-up arousal seemed to be allowed free rein.
    She stopped eating suddenly when she realised that there had been a pang of regret at that thought. Between her legs her sex

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