Matching Dragons Chinese Zodiac Romance Series Book 6

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Book: Matching Dragons Chinese Zodiac Romance Series Book 6 by Rachael Slate Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachael Slate
Tags: General Fiction, paranormal romance
    Apparently, even in this prison she’d heard about him.
    Yeah, gotta love that fucking notoriety.
    “Release her.” As he spoke, the hive mind of the other dragons slammed into him. A thousand voices buzzed at once. So much time had passed that he’d forgotten how to drown out the blast.
    Grimacing, Lok tried to silence the voices, but every one of them exclaimed at his presence. Each snarled and howled and promised to feed off his blood.
    Yeah, good times ahead.
    That didn’t matter. It would take them a while to pinpoint his exact location, which meant he could get Kadence to safety first.
    He dared a glimpse at her, but she’d passed out, likely from being squeezed by the dragon’s tail. Tasi didn’t seem the type to play nice with her toys. Kadence might not even survive in her care.
    Not that they were going to find out.
    “Release her, now, or I’ll end you.” He swiped his claws through the air.
    Her silver eyes widened, her gaze passing from him to the portal, as though judging whether she could make it through before he made good on his threat.
    She lunged for the portal, but he was faster. Even a century out of practice, his dragon form was formidable. He was larger, stronger, and fiercer than the princess dragon.
    His claws pierced her tail, forcing her to drop Kadence as he dragged Tasi toward him.
    “Please don’t kill me,” she squeaked.
    “Despite the rumors you’ve heard, I don’t murder my kin.” Not even the crazy ones.
    Curling his lip, he watched her scurry away. Tasi wasn’t leaving her prison anytime soon. And Han? Well, he’d have to find himself another princess to pine after.
    Lok switched his focus to Kadence, who lay sprawled on the ground, unconscious. It was better this way. He could get her somewhere safe, and now, she didn’t require the princess’s blood.
    She can have mine.
    She’d awaken, none the wiser. Then he’d face his executioners, or maybe, he’d be lucky enough to evade them and go into hiding again.
    This time, forever.
    He glanced at the diving suits. The hourglass was running out. Within hours, a swarm of dragons would close in on him. Sweeping Kadence into his embrace, he furled his wings around her in a protective cocoon and raced toward the portal. As they crashed through, he wielded his strength to propel them toward the surface, sheltered in the bubble surrounding them.
    They breached the surface. Lok didn’t stop there, shooting into the sky. He gripped Kadence in his front clawed feet, carrying her as he flapped his wings and climbed higher.
    Every dragon kept safe houses. Private dens no one knew about, where they hoarded their precious treasures. Lok hadn’t visited any of his in ages. Most were impossible to access without wings. Since he could fly once more, he headed straight for his most secure fortress, zipping through the air and blocking out the hive mind.
    Even hiding in his safe house didn’t guarantee they wouldn’t discover him. What other choice do I have? None.
    He could only pray Kadence would awaken before any dragons found them. That she would reveal the location of her sister and he’d set her on her way. Making one small sacrifice first.
    There was only one solution. The cool air condensed around him, clarifying his thoughts. Kadence would never be free from dragons. Not so long as she remained unclaimed.
    Lok didn’t trust himself not to succumb as they would. Hoarding her as a prisoner in his vast vault of treasures. So the only answer was…
    Enough. He shook his head to clear it and focused on the cave entrance ahead. High on a sheer cliff, the narrow opening was warded against intruders. He hummed a series of notes and the opening shimmered, allowing him passage. After setting Kadence on the pile of silk cushions in the far corner, he strode to the opening.
    Next, to cover his trail. His tricks wouldn’t fool the dragons for long, but they might buy him a few hours. Lok gazed out at the cloudless sky and

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