Mastered By My Guardian

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Book: Mastered By My Guardian by Opal Carew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Opal Carew
spinning and she wailed as another orgasm exploded inside her.
    She leaned against him, her head resting on his shoulder, as they both gasped for breath. After a moment, he lifted her into his arms and carried her upstairs.
    * * *
    The warm water of the shower washed over Chelsea’s body as Zane rubbed a bar of soap between his hands, then put it down and stroked over her body, washing her. His big hands moved over her breasts then down her stomach.
    She simply watched him. His naked body so large and masculine seemed to fill the shower stall. She sighed as his sudsy hands glided over her like silk.
    “Why did you tell me to say that?” she asked, the thing that had been bothering her finally breaking through to her consciousness.
    “Say what?” His hands glided over her breasts again.
    “Why did you tell me to say I love you?”
    He stopped the distracting movement of his hands and straightened. “Because I wanted to hear you say it.” He cupped her chin and lifted her face, his clear blue gaze locked on hers. “I wanted you to know it’s true.”
    Her stomach fluttered. He was so sure.
    “But… you didn’t say it, too.”
    His serious expression softened with his smile.
    He slid his arm around her and drew her close. His lips brushed hers, lightly at first, then he deepened the kiss, claiming her mouth as completely as he’d claimed her heart.
    “Of course I love you,” he murmured, then kissed her again, his tongue swirling in her mouth, making her knees grow weak.
    Their lips parted and his deep blue eyes held her mesmerized.
    “Do you really have any doubts?”
    She could see it there in his eyes, shining bright. She shook her head.
    He smiled. “Good.” Then he slapped her ass lightly. He picked up the soap and handed it to her, then stepped back. “Now you have some washing to do.”
    She ran her gaze up and down his deliciously naked body. “But mine is such a bigger job than yours.”
    He chuckled, his eyes glittering in amusement. But when she soaped up her hands and stroked down his chest, then wrapped both hands around his cock that glitter changed to something else. The flesh hardened in her hand and soon she knew he would back her against the wall and drive deep inside her.
    * * *
    Chelsea stepped from the gate into the boarding area, rolling her carry-on behind her. It had been a long flight from New York to San Diego and she was tired. She had to get a cab home and unpack, then catch up on her emails, but she just wanted to fall into bed. She sighed, already missing Zane. The memory of the kiss he’d given her as he’d bid her farewell at the airport still curled her toes. He’d promised he’d come to visit her soon but until then she’d be aching for him.
    The security doors slid open as she approached and she walked into the busy terminal.
    When she saw Bill waiting for her, she smiled.
    “Hi. I didn’t expect you to pick me up.”
    “It’s no problem. Did you have a good flight?” he asked as he walked with her to the baggage carousel.
    “A little bumpy but other than that it was fine.”
    The carousel was already turning, with several bags already being claimed by passengers. After a few moments, she saw her red bag glide down the ramp. She retrieved it then Bill took the handle and they walked through the airport together. When they finally reached his car, he loaded her luggage into his trunk and they both got in.
    “Are you hungry?” he asked. “I thought we might go to dinner.”
    “To tell you the truth, I’m beat. I just want to go home and go to sleep.” It was still early evening, but she was still on New York time.
    “Okay.” He started the car and pulled out. “So how did your trip go? Did you talk about your company with your guardian?”
    This morning at breakfast, Zane had made some interesting revelations. Like the fact that he had implemented many of the ideas she had suggested. In fact, he’d done them better than she’d thought possible. Her

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