Royal Mistress
endured almost one hundred years and ended in 1453. The five-year-old Prince of Wales came from Ludlow to be keeper of the realm, although his mother would have him in her charge, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, as chancellor, would have England in his. It was expected that the king and a large number of the nobility wouldbe gone for a long time, and thus Edward had taxed his subjects to their breaking point for this glorious campaign. Once again the wealthy merchants of London had joined with the great Italian banking families like the Medicis and Portinaris to lend even more to the king to pay his massive army; both John Lambert and William Shore had added to Edward’s war chest. Great things were expected of the expedition, and to hear that it was all over in the space of four months struck Jane as odd, especially as there had been no news of victory or defeat.
    “How can that be?” she asked. “The king was expected to join with Charles of Burgundy and beat the French. Did King Louis surrender?”
    William shook his head. “Nay, wife, it would seem our soldier sovereign was bought off with a pension from Louis if Edward left without fighting. To be fair, Burgundy failed to keep his end of the bargain and offered little or no support to Edward. Without Charles, Edward’s efforts might have led to an even lengthier campaign and possible defeat. But, trust me, this news will not be well received by Englishmen. An English army returning from France with its tail between its legs? ’Tis shameful, and,” he grumbled, “I doubt any of us who financed the fiasco will see our money back. ’Tis a sorry affair.”
    Jane privately thought the lack of loss of life and limb was a praiseworthy outcome, but as she knew William would not care about anything except his money, she kept silent. She did not want to irritate him because she had a more pressing conversation to initiate. She cleared her throat and waited for him to look up at her.
    “Was there something you wished to talk to me about, Jane?” William had noticed her unusually demure demeanor and had learned it often preceded a favor. He enjoyed granting those little wishes for a new gown or pair of shoes, because it made him feel powerful over her. And it seemed to help alleviate his guilt that he could not perform in bed. He had always hated his body, wishing he could have been born strong and virile, and it had unnervedhim as a youth that he did not seem to share the lustiness of his fellow apprentices. He had never visited the stews or attempted to bed a tavern wench as they had, and he was teased mercilessly as a result. He had even been called a sodomite, which was abhorrent to him. William simply did not seem to have much of a sensual nature; he took physical pleasure in fingering his purse and counting his money. Jane’s sensuality frightened and disgusted him, and on many occasions he caught himself wishing he had never agreed to wed her. But the union was paying handsomely through referrals from his prominent father-in-law, and he had been able to purchase his shop premises outright with Jane’s dowry. In truth, business was good, he told himself.
    “Aye, William, I would talk to you about us,” Jane said in as forthright a tone as she dared. “I think you know what I mean. I believe we rub together well enough as people, but we do not in between the sheets.” It irked Jane further that William never appreciated her wordplay or wit, and so she did not even pause to see if tonight were different. “May I know if you have some ailment that prevents us from normal intimacy, something that prevents us from having a child?”
    William’s face drained of color, and he clutched his napkin over his lap. “I do not believe it is your place to ask me such a thing. I am your husband and you must submit to my will. I am sorry if you are not content with me in”—he paused to weigh his words and then blurted out angrily—“satisfying your lusts, but it

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