Mary Anne Saves the Day

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Book: Mary Anne Saves the Day by Ann M. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann M. Martin
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club probleme. Her name is Mary Anne Spier or as she is otherwise know MY MARY ANNE. Where does Mary Anne get off being so chummy with Mimi? It isn’t fair. It’s one thing for Mimi to help her with her nitting k nitting but today they were sharing tea in the special cups and Mimi called her MY MARY ANNE. NO FAIR. So there.
    Wow. Was Claudia ever mad. Mimi had apologized and tried to explain things to her, butClaudia stopped talking to me anyway, which meant that once again, not one of the members of the Baby-sitters Club was talking to the others.
    Twice recently, I had tried waiting for Kristy at my window with the flashlight after my father said good night to me. The first time, Kristy’s room stayed dark, and the second time, she didn’t bother going to the window. Her shade was up, and I could see her in her room — doing her homework, talking to her mother, and playing with Louie, the Thomases’ collie. But she never once even looked toward her window. How long would our fight go on?
    I considered telling Dawn about it, and decided not to.
    The next time it was my turn to answer the Babysitters Club phone calls, I didn’t have nearly as easy a time as I’d had before. For one thing, Claudia was at home, and she was not pleased to have me in her room. She turned on some music and played it so loudly that the first time the phone rang I almost didn’t hear it.
    â€œHello!” I shouted into the receiver. “Babysitters Club!” I’m sure the person on the other end of the phone said something, but all I could hearwas: “DUM-DE-DUM-DE-DUM DUM. CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT YOU-OU-OU-OU-OU.”
    â€œWhat?” I yelled.
    Claudia ignored me. She began singing along. “DE-DOOOO,” she sang, “DE-DOP. IT’S LIFE AT THE TOP, THE TOP!”
    I tried putting my finger in one ear. “HELLO?”
    Very faintly, I could hear a voice say, “Why are you shouting? Is everything all right?”
    â€œMRS. NEWTON? I MEAN, Mrs. Newton, is that you?”
    â€œYes. Mary Anne? What’s all that noise?”
    â€œOh … just some music.”
    â€œWell, listen, I need a sitter Wednesday afternoon for Jamie. I’m going to visit a friend for a couple of hours and I’ll be taking the baby with me. Is anyone available?”
    Claudia’s music was between songs, so I could hear a lot better. “I’ll have to check,” I said. “I know I’m not free.”
    â€œCould you check with Kristy first? I think Jamie would like to see her.”
    â€œAll right,” I agreed — reluctantly.
    Darn. I would have to phone Kristy.
    â€œI’ll call you right b—”
    â€œOH, MY, MY. OH, MY, MY. MY BABY’S SAD AND SO AM I.” The next song blasted on.
    Mrs. Newton and I hung up.
    Just as Claudia’s song was picking up pace, Mimi stuck her head in the room. I’m sure she had knocked, but of course we hadn’t heard her.
    She signaled to Claudia who turned the volume down — slightly.
    â€œClaudia,” she said, “I must ask you to play your music more softly. It is much too loud. Also, I was wondering if you would like to come downstairs and have a cup of tea with me while Mary Anne is answering the phone.”
    Claudia considered the offer. At last she turned off the music and left with Mimi. On her way out the door, she stuck her tongue out at me.
    I stuck mine out at her.
    She slammed the door shut.
    With shaking fingers, I dialed the Thomases’ number.
    Kristy answered the phone.
    â€œHello,” I said, “it’s Mary Anne Spier.”
    There was a pause. “Yes?”
    I’d thought she’d at least say “hello” back.
    â€œMrs. Newton needs a sitter for Jamie on Wednesday. He wants you. Can you make

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