Marshmallows and the Snow [Sweet Snacks: 1]

Read Online Marshmallows and the Snow [Sweet Snacks: 1] by Liza Kay - Free Book Online

Book: Marshmallows and the Snow [Sweet Snacks: 1] by Liza Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liza Kay
Tags: Gay, Contemporary, Adult, Short Stories, holiday, Erotic Romance, glbt, extasy
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    “This chick at the reception talked with another guy and she mentioned your name. Said who took you in for the rest of the vacation.” Then he proceeded to let his gaze travel over Aleks’ body from top to bottom. And Ruben snapped.
    “Don’t look at him, he’s mine. What do you want? To take him away?” Ruben yelled and stepped in front of Aleks. “If you touch him I’m going to... to... sic my owl on you!”
    Aleks couldn’t help but grin. First, Ruben’s threat was too cute. Second, this possessiveness felt wonderful!
    “Oh please, Ruben. He’s not my type. Too toppy.” Toby’s hungry gaze belied his words. “But you’re really dumb if you think a guy like him wants you for more than a quick screw. You’re in Norway for one more day. It’s probably one of his hobbies to sleep around with the tourists in town.”
    Ruben shot Aleks a wide-eyed look, his shoulders slumping as Toby voiced what he probably thought was true since their fight in his office. His gaze switched from Aleks to Toby and back again several times. Suddenly, he straightened his posture and determination replaced the sad expression on his face as he turned to Toby. Ha! That was his Ruben! He’d tell this prick to fuck off and leave them alone. He’d tell him they were a—
    “You’re right.” Huh? What? “He doesn’t want me for more than a little vacation-fun. So, I guess I can pack my stuff and come back to the hotel with you. At least, we’re flying back to London day after tomorrow, and—”
    Before Ruben could continue, Aleks wrapped his arm around the man and clamped one hand over his mouth. “No! You won’t, Ruben! You’re mine now, and I won’t let this sleazy, unworthy piece of shit take you away. Never.” He pressed Ruben’s slender body against his chest. When his groin met Ruben’s pert little ass, Ruben moaned behind Aleks’ hand and rubbed them against each other. The little fucker was doing this on purpose, wasn’t he? He’d planned to make Aleks jealous to force a reaction. Well, two could play this game.
    Aleks licked a long line up the side of Ruben’s neck and growled. “Shut the door, Ruben. Promptly. Or I’m going to fuck you right in front of your ex to show him who you belong to.”
    Ruben whimpered and shuddered in his arms while Toby gave them a look of rapt attention. Interesting. Obviously, Ruben’s ex was into exhibitionism and not in the least repulsed by the idea of Aleks and Ruben getting it on.
    “Ruben,” he warned again and then pinned Toby with a warning look. “And you, stay away from him. Don’t call him, don’t visit him. Not here, not in London. If you do, I’ll find you and show you how skilled I am in gutting animals, backwoods lumberjack that I am.”
    Toby’s paling face was the last thing he saw before Ruben kicked the door shut, turned in his arms and climbed him like a tree. To say Aleks was surprised would be an understatement! But he cupped his lover’s little butt and held on tight.
    “Did you mean it?” Ruben whispered against his neck, his breath moist against his skin.
    “What exactly? The gutting part?” he asked a bit clueless. To be fair, his brain wasn’t firing on all cylinders. Ruben wriggling in his arms was a huge distraction.
    “No, you ass! The part where you said I’m yours!” The man looked up at him with his pretty doe eyes and Aleks melted once again. But standing right behind the door wasn’t the best place for this conversation. So he carried Ruben over to the sofa and flopped down. They sat like they’d done the first day, when Ruben had cried all over him.
    He brushed some curls out of Ruben’s lovely face, keeping his voice serious. “Yes, I consider you mine, Ruben. From the moment you stepped into my kitchen, dressed in rose-white-striped panties and my flannel shirt.”
    Ruben’s eyes were huge and he nibbled his lip. “B-but why did you... in the office you—”
    “Ruben.” Aleks brushed a kiss over those lush

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