Falling for Hadie

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Book: Falling for Hadie by Komal Kant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Komal Kant
belonged to a girl with wispy, blonde hair. “Heathcliff, Catherine Earnshaw and Edgar Linton.”
    Ms. Flick nodded her approval. “I would say that the three of them were definitely the catalyst for the events that occur and continue into the next generation. Let’s go over Catherine and Heathcliff’s relationship again. I know that you guys had mixed views on it the last time I asked, but would anyone like to voice their opinions again?”
    There was movement beside me as Hadie raised her hand, and Ms. Flick nodded at her to speak.
    “I think what Heathcliff and Catherine have is true love. He goes to great lengths to be with her even when she is married. She plays a cruel game with him.”
    I couldn’t help but snort at that. It was amazing the lengths that some girls took their fictional crushes to.
    Hadie turned to me and shot me a glare. “Is something funny?”
    I shrugged. “If you think that that’s true love then you’re delusional. Heathcliff was a jerk. He was selfish and manipulative. He was like a toddler throwing a hissy fit because he couldn’t have what he wanted, so he decided to make sure that no one else could have it. If he really cared about Catherine, he wouldn’t have put her through all that shit.”
    Ms. Flick cleared her throat. “Language, Lincoln, but you do have a point. A lot of people say that Heathcliff’s behavior was selfish and a way for him to get revenge.”
    “Yes, but he loved Catherine,” Hadie said, a passion burning in her eyes. “His anger, his jealousy, his vengeance were all a proclamation of his love for her.”
    “Both very good arguments,” Ms. Flick said, glancing around at the class. “Does anyone else want to weigh in?”
    The wispy, blonde haired girl raised her hand again and Ms. Flick motioned for her to speak.
    When I turned to look at Hadie, she was giving me a look of disapproval. No doubt I’d probably insulted her favorite male character or something.
    I leaned in close until we were inches apart, lowering my voice. “If he really loved her, he would’ve wanted her happiness regardless of whether or not she was with him or someone else. When you love someone, you would do anything for them, not anything to destroy them.”
    I didn’t think it was possible for Hadie’s face to turn a deeper shade of red, but as we stared at each other again, it definitely did. The animosity that she’d had towards me earlier on had all but stripped away, leaving behind a girl who was confused and broken.
    It was starting to become clear to me that Hadie was like this because of some stupid high school drama. I’d thought that it was a big deal when people stared at me, but I had nothing on Hadie. Today I’d seen a bunch of guys laughing at her as she’d walked past them, while other students looked on. She seemed like such a simple girl who wasn’t nasty or stuck-up, and I didn’t believe Becky and Ciara when they said that she was easy. She seemed anything but that.
    “You’re doing the weird staring thing again,” Mariah said from beside to me.
    Her voice made us snap our heads away and I looked back down at my desk, thinking that Mariah had the worst timing imaginable.

Chapter Nine
    “You should’ve seen them!” Mariah was jabbering away. “They couldn’t keep their eyes off each other! It was like no one else was in that room except them!”
    “Are you freaking kidding me?” Lana exclaimed, eyes wide. “First Bennett and now Lincoln! You’re like a freaking jock-magnet!”
    I didn’t bother reminding her that my relationship with Bennett had been the shittest in shitty town or that there was nothing going on with Lincoln and me.
    Estella shot me a curious look. “I thought you didn’t like him. You said he was an arrogant jerk.”
    I shrugged, feeling overwhelmed by my friends’ interest in my personal life. “I don’t know. Maybe I judged him too quickly.”
    “So you figured him out in one English lesson?”

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