Married Lovers

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Book: Married Lovers by Jackie Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Collins
iPhone. Don was always in motion.
    His date, a famous “girl next door” TV star, gripped the side of her seat in a panic. This was their first date and she didn’t want to spoil it by asking him to slow down.
    Ignoring the backed-up traffic on P.C.H., he zipped down the middle lane–totally illegal.
    “Who are we having dinner with?” Famous “girl next door” TV star asked, desperate to take her mind off his insane driving. Her name was Mary Ellen Evans, and she’d recently suffered through a very public and humiliating divorce when her movie-star husband had taken off with his gorgeous co-star. The public were firmly on Mary Ellen’s side; they would be very happy to see her out on a date with Don Verona–who, since his last divorce, was considered as eligible as George Clooney, and equally as attractive.
    “Friends of mine,” Don said casually. “You’ll like ’em.”
    He’d met Mary Ellen when she’d appeared on his show the previous week. Having a late-night talk show was a fertile ground for meeting women; many beautiful actresses passed through his studio enabling him to pick and choose. Although some of them were unavailable, most of them were only too delighted when he asked them out.
    “Will I know your friends?” Mary Ellen inquired, asserting herself. She was so sick of the tabloid headlines about how lost and lonely she was. It was about time she got out and about.
    “Maybe,” Don said. “But I thought I’d surprise you.”
    “Okay,” Mary Ellen said, wondering if perhaps they were meeting up with Tom and Katie, or could it be the famous Beckhams? Don Verona knew everyone.
    Don threw her a quizzical look, taking his eyes off the road for a moment which terrified her even more. “You’re into surprises, aren’t you?” he inquired.
    “Absolutely,” she said, tossing back her sleek bobbed golden hair, and contemplating whether they would sleep together later. She was ready. A revenge fuck was exactly what she needed after the way her husband had publicly humiliated her. Don Verona was the perfect choice.
    “Actually,” Don said, “it’s Phil and Lucy Standard, and Mandy and Ryan Richards.”
    “Oh,” Mary Ellen said. “I was in one of Ryan’s movies.”
    “Yeah? Was it a good experience?”
    “I think he’s great,” Mary Ellen gushed, remembering the major crush she’d harbored. “It was my very first job, a tiny role, and Ryan was so caring and helpful. Everyone on the set adored him. I haven’t seen him since–this is exciting.”
    “Hey–should be a fun evening.”
    “I’m also a big fan of Phil Standard’s work,” she added, quite pleased with the way things were turning out. “He’s surely one of the most talented screenwriters around.”
    “Phil’s a character,” Don said. “He’ll probably try to feel you up under the table, so you’d better be prepared.”
    “Really?” Mary Ellen said, eyes widening.
    “Just keep your knees firmly together and you’ll be okay.”
    Mary Ellen threw him a look. “Thanks for the advice.”
    “Any time,” he said, reaching for a cigarette.
    Oh damn, he smokes , Mary Ellen thought. Who smokes in L.A.? It’s so unhealthy, and if I sleep with him my hair will smell and so will my clothes. Damn! Damn! Damn!
    “The smoke doesn’t bother you, does it?” Don asked.
    “Not at all,” Mary Ellen replied.
    Don Verona was a hot date. She had no intention of ruining it.

Chapter Seven
    H amilton J. Heckerling was big and brash. Loud-mouthed and overbearing. Married five times. A patron of the arts and from all reports a total sonofabitch. Whenever Hamilton entered a room, everyone knew it, especially Ryan, who always tried to avoid him if possible. It wasn’t that he was intimidated by his father-in-law, he just didn’t like him very much. A lot of people felt the same way. Not that it bothered Hamilton. He was a man who walked his own path full of confidence, and anyone who disliked him–well, his philosophy was

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