Books 48 through 54 of Roman History . He notes the year of his death and describes the funeral at which Augustus spoke (54.28). He describes Agrippa the man and praises his virtues at length (54.29.1–3), records his actions during the Perusine War (48.14.1), assignment of the defence of Gaul (48.20.1), his staging the Ludi Apollinares and Ludus Troiae and adopting airs and graces on account of his privileged connection (48.20.2); his early military engagement with Sex. Pompeius (48.20.2), his successful capture of Sipontium (48.28.1), his task to build a fleet of ships (48.49.2–4); his victory in Aquitania, crossing over the Rhine River and award of a triumph, which he declined (48.49.3) and his first consulship (48 Index); his building the fleet (48.49.4–5) and equipping ships with the harpax (48.51.5, 49.3.4), constructing Portus Iulius (48.50.1–3), the award of the golden corona navalis (49.14.3), his campaign against the Delmatae (49.38.3); his self-financed repairs to the Aqua Marcia (49.42.2), repairing public buildings, streets and sewers (49.43.1), which included inspecting the Cloaca Maxima in person (49.43.1), distributing largess to the crowds at the games (49.43.4), expelling astrologers from Rome (49.43.5); his command of the Caesarian forces in the Actian War (50.9.2–3, 50.14.1), the capture of Methone (50.11.3), the capture of Leukas (50.13.5), the defeat of Sosius off the coast of Corcyra (50.14.1–2), his concerns before the Battle of Actium (50.31.2), the naval battle on 2 September 31 BCE (50.32.1–51.1.1), repatriating the legions to Italy (51.3.5), the honours accorded to him, including the blue ensign (51.21.3) and his award of Pompeius Magnus’ palatial house (53.27.5); his loyalty to Augustus (53.27.4), his second consulship (53 Index, 53.1.2), the gift of a tent to match Augustus’ own (53.1.2); his marriage to Claudia Marcella (53.1.2), appointment as censor (52.42.1), sponsorship of the Circensian Games (Dio 53.1.4–5); his programme of building in Rome (53.27.1), including the Saepta Iulia (53.23.1–2), the Diribitorium (55.8.4), the Basilica Neptuni (53.27.1, 56.24) with its spectacular paintings (53.27.1), the sudatorium Laconicum (53.27.1) and the source to supply fresh water to it (54.11.7), which added to the time and cost of construction of the project (54.11.7), the Pantheon (53.27.2–3, 66.24.3) whose doors were flanked by statues of Agrippa and Augustus (53.27.3, 54.1.1), the Sepulchrum or Aedes Agrippae (54.28.5); his presence at Marcellus’ wedding (53.27.5), Agrippa’s move into Augustus’ house (53.27.5), his popularity with the people (53.31.4), the time Augustus gave Agrippa his signet ring (53.30.1–2), his alleged dismissal to the East (53.32.1), his stay in Mytilene (53.32.1), his recall to Sicily and offer of the hand of Iulia in marriage (54.6.5), his attempts to restore order in Rome (49.43.6), his departure to quell an uprising in Gaul (54.11.1–2), his arrival in Hispania to deal with an uprising of the Astures and Cantabri (54.11.3), his squashing of a mutiny by Roman troops and their conduct in the grim war (54.11.4–5), his rejection of the triumph granted him (54.11.6), completion of Aqua Virgo (54.11.7), grant of powers equivalent to Augustus’ (54.12.2), plots against Agrippa (54.15.1), his ownership of the Thracian Cheronese (54.29.5), his acclaim as restorer of Kyzikos’ freedom(54.23.7), the revolt in the Cimmerian Bosporus (54.24.4–6), that he sent his after action report directly to Augustus (54.24.7), the grant of empire-wide powers jointly with Augustus (54.28.1), his departure to deal with the revolt of the Pannonii in Illyricum (54.28.2); his return to Italy and last days in Campania (54.28.2), the funeral in Rome (54.28.3–4), the burial of his ashes in Augustus’ own mausoleum (54.28.5) and the final disrespect shown by many senators (54.29.6).
Cornelius Nepos, c. 110–c. 25 BCE – The contemporary Roman biographer from Gallia
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