Marauder Kain: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Mating Wars Book 5)

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Book: Marauder Kain: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Mating Wars Book 5) by Aya Morningstar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aya Morningstar
Seraphim before we attack?” I ask. “Do we have time for that?”
    That should take at least a year. Recruiting Seraphim means sending Darkstar agents to Mars, Earth, and Venus. It’s getting harder and harder to forge identification on those planets– especially on Earth.
    Adus taps his head and widens his eyes. His ears twitch furiously. “See, you’re a thinker, Kain. I’m aware of the timelines and what we need to accomplish.”
    “You’ve already recruited more Seraphim.”
    He grins wide and laughs. “Yes, I have. And they will arrive tomorrow. This is why you arriving now is meaningful. I will task you with training the Seraphim. I want them combat-ready in four months.
    “On Darkstar?” I ask.
    “Of course on Darkstar. Where else would we train?”
    Training on the high gravity gives Darkstar Marauders even greater strength than Marauder and Seraphim from Earth, Mars, and Venus.
    I try not to sigh in relief. I had assumed they’d keep me on the command ship for quite some time. I had already started trying to devise excuses for needing to travel to Darkstar, but now I’ll be stationed there. Getting to Kara should be much easier now.
    “What will I be training them for, specifically?” I ask.
    Adus narrows his eyes at me. “Be patient, brother. I like to keep my cards close to my body, even among family. Just train them to fight. To be Marauders.”

11 Kara
    “ T his is ridiculous ,” Felicia says, swinging her pickaxe.
    “At least we’re still getting to mine.”
    “Why did you have to tell them we were miners?” Felicia shouts. Her voice booms through the intercom in my suit.
    “Imagine if we had these exosuits to mine with before,” I say.
    I swing my pickaxe, and with the strength boost from the exosuit, the giant boulder shatters to pieces from my swing.
    Felicia lets out an annoyed grunt.
    I look back and see another group of prisoners walking toward us, pickaxes in hand.
    “Morning!” one of them shouts– a man. Apparently our suits are all linked together.
    “You two got an early start,” the man says, coming up behind us.
    I put my pickaxe down and turn to face him.
    “I’m Eli,” he says. “And these two are Andres and Thorsten.”
    “I’m Kara,” I say. “This is my sister Felicia.”
    “They got two women on mining duty?” Andreas asks. “What did you do to piss them off?”
    Felicia lifts up a chunk of rock and throws it into the wagon. “Kara here thought it was a good idea to tell them we were experienced miners.”
    “They saw us mining when they found us!” I say, throwing up my hands. “Give me a fucking break.”
    “Well,” Eli says, “there are worse jobs. You could be on sanitation...that’s not pretty.”
    The three men start swinging their pickaxes and pulverizing boulders. With all five of us working together, we fill the wagon up in less than an hour.
    The “wagon” is basically a giant truck. It has an open top though, so we call it a wagon.
    As the last boulder goes in, Eli hits a button, and the wagon turns around and putters away from us, back toward the buildings and landing strip.
    “You guys don’t have exosuits, do you?” I ask.
    “Nope,” Thorsten says. “Pure Darkstar muscle. I reckon we’re among the strongest humans in the solar system now. You’ll become the strongest women if you keep at this.”
    “If we keep at this…,” Felicia says, mocking. “Like we have a choice.”
    “Let someone from High Command claim you,” Eli says. “And yeah, you won’t have to keep swinging a pickaxe.”
    “Oh, come on,” I say. “You’d really let one of them claim you?”
    They all grin.
    “Marauder women can only orgasm once per month,” Andreas says. “And they are fiercely protective of their males.”
    “What…?” Felicia says. “You mean–”
    “We’re all proudly claimed,” Eli says. “Can you imagine a woman who can only fuck once per month? How bad she’ll want it, how wet–”
    Thorsten elbows Eli, and

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