Maleficarum: Hunger of the Witch

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Book: Maleficarum: Hunger of the Witch by Jeremy Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeremy Bennett
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    “I think so, ” Ann said as she squeezed Beverly.
    “Then there might be a God?” Beverly wondered.
    “You know I always thought there was, but…Yes , there might be,” Ann said tentatively.
    “Fuck, t hat sucks. I might have to rethink my idea of becoming a stripper.”
    “You would have made a terrible strip per, anyway…You've got no rhythm…, or boobs,” Ann said giving her a playful shove.
    “Funny how evil made me deny something , and an even greater evil made me confirm what I was denying. You think we should pray?”
    “It couldn’t hurt, ” Mike speculated as he took a seat next to his sister.
    Beverly looked into Ann’s soft eyes. “Do you remember the Lord’s Prayer?”
    “Parts of it.”
    “I think I’ve seen the exorcist so many times I could say it,” Mike said.
    “Go for it ,” Beverly muttered as she bowed her head. The rest followed her example as Mike started.
    “Oh God , give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us. Lord, you are our high tower, and you lead us beside good water and green pastures. Our Lord, hallowed be thy name, and when your kingdom comes, it shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. And Lord, help us kill these savages outside that want to do us harm. I don’t know if they’re from the devil or some kind of government experiment or what, but they need to be taken off this earth and sent to the bottomless pits of hell. I don’t know why you put us through this, Lord, but I mean, come on! Really? Help us out, big guy.” No one pointed out that Mike had gotten most of the words wrong. It was the thought that counted.
    “It’s not going to help,” Hegel said, cackling from behind the door. Mike yanked the gun from his waist band.
    “Neither will the gun, ” she said, now sounding as if she was coming from the roof. Mike tried desperately to follow, but the voice always seemed to be shifting in and out of reality.
    “Well, the gun helped out a lot so far, and I know a prayer can’t hurt,” Mike retorted.
    “Why do you think a good God would put you in this situation to start with?”
    “I don’t know, Maybe he’s got plans for us,” Ann countered defensively.
    “Yes, his plan is for you to be raped, butchered, and consumed. I know, because it was your God that sent me here.”
    “You have nothing , and we’re not falling for your bluff.”
    “It’s no bluff . I only speak the truth.”
    “You don’t even know what that is,” Ann barked.
    “We shall see, ” Hegel taunted as her voice faded.
    No one said a word. Beverly felt her body dump all of the energy she had stored in her muscles. The words of the witch cut deep. She slumped onto Ann and only the opposing weight of each other's bodies kept them upright. Beverly’s mind faded back to when she and Ann were kids. There was a massive hill, at least it seemed massive when they were kids, that sat at the edge of the playground next to their homes. They would imagine they were in the Land of Oz as they rolled down the hill pretending to be attacked by the wicked witch and her diabolical magic. Beverly would always throw a fit if she wasn’t Dorothy, but it was a roll Ann had rarely wanted anyway. The Tin Man was always her favorite, either that or Glenda the good witch.
    “ What did Dorothy have anyway but a dog and some magic shoes she didn’t know how to use? Naw, the Tin Man had an ax, and the good witch had a wand she could actually do things with, and they didn’t whine nearly as much,” Ann would say. The movie was everything that was good about Beverly's childhood, all wrapped up in one wonderful Technicolor package, and so the sights and sounds of Munchkin Land rolled past her mind's eye as she felt Ann snuggle closer to her. She knew why Ann still loved the stupid movie so much. She finally had to admit that she still loved it, too.
    They had killed that stupid witch a thousand times when they were kids,

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