Maleficarum: Hunger of the Witch

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Book: Maleficarum: Hunger of the Witch by Jeremy Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeremy Bennett
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stumbled further into the light, all of them could see that his eyes had been plucked out. Almost as shocking was the fact that the fat man was completely naked. His belly jiggled each time he smacked into the shelves. Suddenly, Rick turned his back on them, but he kept walking toward them. The sound of his bare feet slapping the blood-soaked carpet visibly disturbed Beverley.
    “Are you OK?” Ann ventured timidly.
    Mike turned and shot her a glare for asking such a stupid question. The bleeding fat man slowly bent down and grabbed his hairy ass cheeks. He spread his cheeks apart to reveal a bulging human eye pushing out of his anus. The eye darted around, scanning the room, and the five stunned souls could only gasp in horror.
    “It looked right at me, ” Mike screamed as he fired his gun, hitting the fat thing in the ass. In a flash the fat man spun around, baring a set of monster’s teeth, and with a vicious scream, the hideous creature lunged. Kim shrieked as Ann swung her sword, smacking the obese creature in the head. Falling to the ground like a hewn tree, the monstrous form landed at her feet. Mike fired wildly into the raging beast as it reached out and snagged Ann’s foot. Ann chopped at the arm, and if it had been a better blade, it might have gone all the way through. Instead, she had to chop repeatedly until the bone snapped on the howling beast. Kim took off, running as fast as she could into the depths of the store as Beverly stuck her sword into the creature’s back.
    “I am all there is, ” the hellish thing yelled while spewing its body fluids. Ann and Beverly slashed wildly at the blubbery body, carving out massive chunks of meat.
    “Die , you son of a bitch,” Beverly screamed as she snapped her sword over the beast, but even though both girls were hacking at its flesh like Viking berserkers, the beast would not die. Blood and gore was flung into the air and painted everything within a ten-foot radius; however, no matter how hard they hit the writhing mass, it never stopped moving. Nick ran behind Mike and grabbed a leftover bag of bath salts and rushed it over to the screaming mass of ripped flesh. He tore into the bag, slinging the salt over the body. With a horrendous shriek, the body began to boil and burst like a hot dog left in the microwave too long. A putrid red steam rose from the body. Its last gurgles trailed off, leaving only the sound of the chanting witches. The room looked like a piece of postmodern art as it dripped rancid fluids.
    “I ’m not touching it, so don’t even ask,” Mike insisted.
    “I need that freaking drink now, ” Ann exclaimed as the monster’s body began to wither. Mike stopped reloading his gun and pulled a flask out of his back pocket and tossed it to Ann. She caught the flask and popped the top. Without a thought, she took a deep pull. Her soft, feminine face scrunched as the heavy aftertaste hit the back of her nose from the gasoline Mike was trying to pass off as alcohol. It was the first time she had ever had a sip of alcohol, but what the hell? She very well could die tonight, so she might as well get at least one forbidden act under her belt before she stood at the pearly gates.
    “Ahhh , that’s bad,” she said, taking another swig. This time she couldn’t hold it down and gagged as she handed it back to Mike.
    “G ood Lord, girl, leave some for me,” he demanded, swilling the rest of the booze before tossing the empty flask to the blood-soaked ground. Ann then ran and snagged a few more swords out of the display cases, and this time she took their construction into account. She picked the most durable-looking of the swords instead of simply taking the largest. She came back and handed one to Beverly. Beverly snatched the blade with her uninjured hand.
    “Fuck , I’ve got only a few shots left, y’all. Five, I think,” Mike said slapping his magazine back into his gun. Ann could see the look of fear on Beverly’s face and saw that tears

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