Making New Memories

Read Online Making New Memories by Karen Ward - Free Book Online

Book: Making New Memories by Karen Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Ward
Tags: marine, Wyoming, rescue, helicopter
have to tell you, but you
are under arrest on a warrant out of Amarillo, Texas for the murder
of Elena Drake." He then proceeds to read him his Miranda
    Jacob says, "Sheriff, can you give us a copy
of the warrant listing the evidence they have in this case?"
    "Here you go Jacob. It looks pretty cut and
dried to me. They have a witness that identified Dylan here."
    "I'd like a few minutes alone with my client
now that I have the warrant. Is that possible?" asks Jacob.
    "I'm afraid you'll have to fly to Texas to
question him. I was told to bring him directly to the airport. They
have a plane waiting. He's scheduled to be arraigned later today."
answers the sheriff.
    "They're certainly not wasting any time are
they? Okay, Dylan. I'll see you in Amarillo. Remember everything I
told you," reminds Jacob.
    I watch out the kitchen window as they load a
handcuffed Dylan into the back of the sheriff's car. With tears
streaming down my face I turn to find Barry standing beside me. He
says, "Don't worry Skye. Jacob Murray is the very best criminal
defense attorney in the country. If anybody can get him out of
this, Jacob can. He got me off, remember?"
    Jacob Murray had represented Barry a few
years back when Barry had been accused of murdering his first wife.
Jacob had gotten an acquittal when he had proved Barry's wife had
died from a rare allergic reaction to a combination of drugs she
had taken.
    As soon as Jacob arrives in Amarillo he heads
straight for the jail to speak with Dylan. Sitting in the private
conference room he says, "All right, Dylan, tell me what happened
yesterday. Tell me everything and don't leave out anything, even
the smallest detail."
    Dylan starts his story, "Well, I got up
around six, grabbed a quick breakfast, and checked out the
helicopter. I left the ranch around seven and flew straight to the
airport in Amarillo. I arrived just before noon. I picked up a
rental car ...
    "What rental car agency? What make and model
of car? Do you still have the contract?" asks Jacob.
    "I rented from Avis just like I always do. It
was a Ford Focus, blue, four doors. The contract is in my backpack
at the ranch. After renting the car I went straight to the mall
where I met an old Marine buddy, Bobby Feldman...
    "I'll need contact information for him. Did
you see anyone else that you know?" asks Jacob.
    "Bobby is Damian's baseball coach and has
been helping me get time with Damian for the last couple of years.
His son, Bradley was with us. I didn't see anyone else that I knew.
Jacob, Elena has never allowed me to see Damian even though the
divorce decree says I have visitation rights. It stipulates I can
visit at her discretion. When Damian got on Bobby's team and he
realized he was my son he got in touch with me and we worked out a
plan where I would meet them once a month or so at the mall and
spend the afternoon with him. Bobby is always with us and he was
with us every second yesterday. Damian and I spent the entire
afternoon in the game room playing video games. I left him with
Bobby at six, drove straight back to the airport and flew back to
Wyoming." Pausing he asks, "Jacob, this really looks bad doesn't
    "Honestly Dylan, at this point it doesn't
look good but we don't have all the facts yet. I'm sure they are
going to want to question you now that I am here. I also want to
talk to the witness they say they have. Do you know someone by the
name of Richard Thomas?"
    A scowl crosses Dylan's face and he says,
"Yeah, I know him. Is he the so called witness?"
    "Yes, what do you know about him?" asks
    "He is the son of a bitch I caught Elena in
bed with the day I left and filed for divorce. He's a banker here
somewhere. I haven't seen or talked to him since the day I caught
them together."
    "Interesting, I'll get my Private
Investigator to check him out. When was the last time you spoke to
Elena? When was the last time you saw her?" asks Jacob.
    "Let me think, I talked to her the day after
I got back

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