Tough Love (Hidden Secrets)

Read Online Tough Love (Hidden Secrets) by P. J. Belden - Free Book Online

Book: Tough Love (Hidden Secrets) by P. J. Belden Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. J. Belden
another door to this room.
    “Here’s the paper. All the way up top is pens. Sissy says we aren’t old enough for them yet.”
    “She’s just looking out for you big man. What’s that door over there?” My curiosity getting the best of me.
    His face drops and I instantly regret asking. “It’s mom and dad’s room. We aren’t allowed in there. Sissy went in there once and I didn’t like what happened to her. She keeps it locked now. I went in there once to lay in their bed to be with them. Sissy Shan Shan got mad at me. After that she locked it.”
    Kneeling down next to him, “Hey, she’s still hurting. So you going in there, hurts her too. She wasn’t mad at you, just hurting.”
    “She cries a lot at night. Last night was really bad. I didn’t mean to spy, but I had a bad dream. Someone called her and she started crying after. I followed her to make sure she was okay, but I couldn’t go in there because she was puking,” he shudders. “It almost made me puke.”
    I laughed softly. “I’m the same way buddy. Couldn’t handle it when I was your age. Now, I don’t seem to notice it as much.”
    “Is she going to be okay?” He asks softly.
    “I hope so. Look at me, I promise I will do what I can to help her and you guys okay?”
    He leaves the room and I write out a note for her real quick. I left it sitting on the living room table and the boys and I head out to my car.
    “Cool! We get to ride in that?” Sebastian says amazed.
    “Yeah, is that okay? I even went and bought seats for you guys. I’ll keep them in my car, so we can do things together more.”
    Getting two over excited four year olds into their seats was a lot harder than I thought.
    “Buddy, you’ve got to stop kicking your legs. No, Roo. Get in your seat. I’ll be over there in just a second. No, don’t touch that.”
    After several minutes of fighting before finally having to stand up and take a breath.
    “Okay. If you two can’t sit in your seats and let me get you buckled in then we won’t go. I can’t take you anywhere without you being buckled in.”
    That got their attention and soon I had them both buckled and we were off.  The drive to the park was a little longer than it needed to be, but the boys were really enjoying being in a convertible. Seeing their little arms going up it the air, hearing their giggles, filled me with so much joy that I found myself laughing.
    When we pulled up to the park, the boys started bouncing in the backseat. I had to laugh again. Turning around, I got ready to tell them the rules.
    “We stay where you can see us, don’t talk to strangers, don’t hit or hurt anyone, talk to you every so often so you know we are okay, and stick with each other because we’re stronger as two.” They say in unison.
    “Uh, wow, yeah. That pretty much covers it. Aside from, do you want ice cream now or later?”
    “Now! Now! Now!” They bounce excitedly.
    Laughing, “Okay, now it is.”
    They take my hand the minute they are both out of my car. I smiled down at them.
    “Sissy tells us we have to be very careful because we are all she has left that makes her happy. We try to be very good when we go out.”
    “Well, I think she’s done an excellent job with you guys. She loves you guys a lot.”
    We stop only a few feet from the ice cream cart, when Atreyu pulls my hand. Kneeling down, I ask him what’s wrong.
    “We can’t walk all the way up there.”
    “Why not?”
    He tips his head to Sebastian, who I can see was starting to panic. Quickly, I cupped his face in my hands. In a cool, calm voice, I spoke.
    “Captain, look at me. Look in my eyes.” When his eyes finally met mine. “It can get scary when you go around new people, but when you aren’t alone it isn’t as scary. How about if I carry you? If we can’t get up to the truck, we can’t get ice cream.”
    “C-carry me.”
    It was all he said. So, I lifted him in my arms. Atreyu took my other hand and we walked over to the truck.

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