Mail Order Bride: Love On The Line: A Mail Order Brides Western Romance

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Book: Mail Order Bride: Love On The Line: A Mail Order Brides Western Romance by Catherine Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Harper
she felt the world around her disappear. Wondering how long she could keep up with him, she found him break free and look into her eyes. "See—I knew you did."
    Elizabet gripped onto him and pushed her face deep into his chest. Holding it there, she listened to his heart and said the words she couldn't hold back anymore. "I love you, Tom."

Chapter 15
    Back on the train and on the final leg of their trip to San Francisco, Elizabet thought of what would happen when they got there. Looking at the small champagne glass in her hand, she watched the bubbles inside it and was lost deep in thought. Reaching across the table Tom touched her hand and brought her back to the present.
    "What's up, you don't like champagne?"
    Elizabet took a sip to prove that she did. "No, no it's not that, I'm just not looking forward to…"
    Tom put his hand onto of hers. "You want me to talk to him? I mean it might come across better man to man."
    Elizabet shook her head. "No, I can't let you do that. This is my decision, I'll tell him myself. But-"
    "But what, he'll be fine about it-"
    "I don't know—you have to remember we've been in correspondence for six weeks now. I just walk up and say thanks, but no thanks. It just doesn't feel right."
    Elizabet watched Tom get from his seat and come around to her side of the table. Taking her chin in his hand, he looked into her eyes. "Neither does marrying the wrong man out of obligation. Better to break his heart now, than a year, maybe two down the line." Leaning in he kissed her softly on the lips. "And there's no way I'm letting you do that. I know you're a good woman, Elizabet. That's one of the things I like about you. But sometimes you've got to think of your own happiness." Picking up his glass he took a sip and continued. "Put it this way, it's not like you both knew each other that well. I know you swapped letters, but can you really trust everything that you read. Heck, for all you know this guy could be a weirdo or just plain lying to you."
    Picking up her glass, Elizabet took a drink and thought over what he'd said. She knew she'd been a little loose with truth on her end and never mentioned Charles and the problems he'd caused her. Maybe John had done the same, maybe he wouldn't be the exact person she was expecting.
    "Come on, you hear stories like that all the time. A guy writes to a girl promising that he's wealthy, six feet tall and owns his own teeth-"
    Elizabet giggled. "Teeth?"
    "Well, you know what I mean. Next thing you know, that girl ends up with a broke miner who's as fat as a hog and gummy as a baby."
    "So you know many mail order brides?"
    "Well no, but I guess it could happen. Take my brother for example, he's supposed to be marrying one in the next couple of days. For all he knows she might look nothing like the photograph she sent him."
    "Your brothers marrying a mail order bride too?"
    Sitting back in his seat Tom took his glass and laughed. "What are the odds of that, both of us marrying a mail order bride?"
    "So when is she due to come in?"
    "I don't know, the next few weeks I think. In fact, that's why I'm going to San Francisco, he asked me to be his best man. That and I'm getting back into the family business. Guess I can't play the traveling hobo any longer."
    "So you're not a traveling hobo?"
    Tom laughed. "No, I'm not a hobo. But I guess you figured that out by now."
    "Expensive wine gave it away."
    Tom swore. "Always does. Guess I just can't hide the fact that I like the good life."
    Wrapping her arm around his, Elizabet nestled in closer to him. "So you must be close then, you and your brother. If you're traveling all the way from New York to be there for him."
    Tom shook his head. "Suppose so. But then I owe John a lot. He kept my father off my back when I said I wasn't interested in the family business. Can't really turn around and say no now. That and my mother swore that she'd cut me out of the family will if I didn't show my face. Families, huh."

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