Magic Resistant

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Book: Magic Resistant by Veronica Del Rosa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Del Rosa
Tags: Romance, Paranormal, Magic, demons, Fae
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though. Never tried to banish
one without Victor next to me.”
    A soft humming drifted past his ear. Turning
his head, he watched the fat bumblebee whirl in lazy circles
searching for nectar.
    “This little guy scared you? He’s harmless.”
He reached out letting the bee rest upon his bare forearm. “Bet
he’s hungry.”
    “Well you’re not feeding me to him; I’m not
sweet enough. Now please, get that thing out of here.”
    He laughed a little and brought his other
hand up, placating her. “Okay, okay. I’ll get rid of it for
    “Alright, good. Just don’t kill it.” She
shimmied closer to the door. With deliberate care, she walked
backwards towards the door, a sharp eye on the bee the whole time,
suspicious of its intent. Did she expect it to attack her from
across the room?
    “What?” He shot her a disbelieving look,
wondering if he misheard her. Killing the bee hadn’t crossed his
mind. However, she wanted it saved? He hadn’t expected her to care
one way or the other.
    “Well, it can’t help me being allergic to it.
Shoo it out the window or something.”
    “You want me to shoo it out the window? Wait,
you’re afraid of a bee cause you’re allergic? That doesn’t make
sense. Heal yourself if it stings you.”
    “They also die after stinging. I don’t want
to be the cause of their death. Now, hop to it, before it tries to
attack again.” She clapped her hands twice, trying to speed him
    A tiny sigh escaped him. Better to humour
    Moving towards the window, he brushed past
Julia. The bee fluttered its wings, lifting its fuzzy body before
settling again on his arm.
    A small screech escaped Julia and she bolted
from the bathroom.
    “Let me know when it’s gone!” She yelled from
the other room.
    He chuckled, amazed a tiny, harmless creature
scared a woman who battled trolls and stared down a Fae.
    He had to admit, he felt like a hero,
rescuing her from danger.
    And, being a man faced with a woman’s
irrational fear, he did what any self-respecting man would do -
think of ways to tease her mercilessly about it. A wide grin split
his face as he swaggered from the bathroom to join his damsel in
    He could get used to her as a roommate.
    SEVERAL HOURS LATER, Julia stood and worked
the kinks out of her body. Her muscles protested the inactivity,
unused to sitting still for long periods of time. An hour into
reading the files, she’d given up all thought of escape. No way was
she losing the chance to crack this mystery.
    While still not convinced of his innocence,
the information he’d gathered fascinated her. Crimes covered up,
demons used as lackeys and so much political intrigue her brain
hummed with enthusiasm. Why, some of this appeared to be
un-redacted files directly from the Coterie. How he gained access
to them, she could only guess.
    Markus would be so jealous she was studying
this material and not him. He loved complex mysteries.
    This whole situation smacked of a frame job.
Too much didn’t add up correctly. Several crime scenes showed demon
activity, but then ruled as human actions. Once it had that label,
the Coterie and Enforcers pretended it didn’t exist. With humans
outnumbering the preternatural world, they required police that
dealt with solely human on human crimes. Unequipped to properly
investigate supernatural activity, the police floundered. These
crimes became cold cases and never solved.
    While trusting Jackson seemed inadvisable,
what with him labeled as dangerous and to approach with backup, she
knew better than to blindly trust her superiors. She lived her life
in constant fear she’d be executed on the spot for being a vile,
horrible creature bent on destroying all mages due to a genetic
anomaly. She was living proof the “facts” didn’t paint the full
    As for Jackson, he made no moves against her,
in fact, he’d been downright impersonal. Only when she asked him
questions did he come alive, expounding upon this detail or

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