
Read Online Lush by Beth Yarnall - Free Book Online

Book: Lush by Beth Yarnall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Yarnall
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Contemporary Romance, nystery
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had any plans for them other than this moment. “That’s five options, and I now owe you a glass of champagne. Shall we?” He held out his elbow for her to take and led her off the dance floor.
    The rest of the night went by in a blur of obligatory socializing and wedding traditions. They danced twice more, but neither compared to their first dance as man and wife. Cal couldn’t wait to get Lucy out of there and all to himself. He’d booked the honeymoon suite at the Ritz-Carlton for their wedding night. He’d also arranged for Sam to take Poppy.
    One night. He’d get one night to show her what marriage to him would really be like. One night.

    Her wedding night.
    Lucy followed her new husband into the suite at the Ritz-Carlton, dread heavy in her belly. The honeymoon suite. He must be expecting her to fulfill her duties as his wife. He’d said everything between them would be optional. He’d even signed a notarized agreement to that effect. But she knew from experience that men didn’t always mean what they said when it came to sex. And they didn’t always take no for an answer.
    Cal had booked this suite. In this fancy hotel. On their wedding night. If that didn’t have unspoken expectations all over it, she didn’t know what did.
    “Are you hungry?” he asked. “I don’t know about you, but all I’ve eaten tonight is that piece of cake you fed me.”
    Her stomach rumbled as if on cue. “I’m starving.”
    He found the room service menu and started leafing through it. “I could eat one of everything. What sounds good to you?”
    “A cheeseburger. With fries.”
    “You got it. Why don’t you get changed while I order? Your bags should already be in your room.”
    Her room. That meant they weren’t… He wasn’t expecting… She wasn’t sure if she was grateful or disappointed. It was a confusing set of emotions that knocked together inside her like stress-ball clackers.
    “Which one’s mine?” she asked.
    “The master. Whichever that one is. Hi,” he said into the phone. “I’d like to order some food.”
    Lucy wandered off toward a set of double doors that had to be the master bedroom. It was and the bed was huge. And was that…? She rushed forward. A Jacuzzi right in the middle of the bedroom with a view of the Dallas skyline. How romantic. Except this wasn’t a romance.
    “I’m looking forward to that,” Cal said from over her shoulder, making her jump and squeak. “Sorry, darlin’. Didn’t mean to startle you.”
    “No, that’s okay. It’s just that this carpet is so plush it totally absorbed your steps.” And now she sounded like an idiot.
    “I told Hazel to pack you a bathing suit.” He pointed at the Jacuzzi. “Right there is where I plan to have a drink and soak with my wife after dinner.”
    He gazed at her like she really was his wife and he had all kinds of husbandly plans. She peered inside the Jacuzzi. It looked like heaven. Lots of jets and places to put your feet up. She risked a glance up at Cal, but he’d already turned away and was walking out the door. What in the…?
    Hot, cold, hot, cold. Right when she thought she had him and this—whatever it was between them—sorted out, he’d throw her a curve and do the exact opposite of what she expected. He flirted with her like he used to, only it was just words, no action. He’d kissed her exactly twice since she’d walked into his office almost two weeks ago. The one time in his office and then again when the minister had told him that he could now kiss his bride. Three times if she counted the peck on the cheek he’d given her when they got engaged. He’d progressed to hand holding and an arm around her shoulders or a hand at the small of her back in the past week or so but no further.
    It was almost as though they were virginal high schoolers with their first crush. She half-expected him to ask her to prom. Well, she guessed their wedding was sort of prom like. She was in a big

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