height above the ground in front of him. Then he lifted the two fish up from the ground and made them hover above the floating fireball, while rotating them slowly until the fish were cooked. Once they were cooked he extinguished the fireball and sent one of the fish hovering slowly towards Renn, stopping it within his reach. The other fish he brought to himself, then found a tree to rest against so he could eat it in relative comfort.
As Lusam sat down he noticed Renn looking at him very strangely. Before he could ask him why, Renn broke the silence and said, “How do you do that?”
“Do what? Cook the fish you mean?” Lusam replied between mouthfuls of fish.
“No. I mean, how can you do magic without speaking the words for it to work?”
“I've already told you, I don't need to use words. Why do you think it's so strange that I don't have to speak to perform my magic?” Lusam asked confused, taking another mouthful of fish.
“Because, magic has to be channelled using specific words of power, and depending on the spell being attempted it can sometimes take several minutes to complete. Although I'm no expert in the use of magic, I know at least that much for certain. Yet I have seen you with my own eyes, twice now, perform magic without making a sound of any kind. Even stranger is the fact I can't even see your aura. Everyone capable of magic, even in limited amounts possess a strong aura visible to certain others, but you don't,” Renn stated with complete conviction.
“I do have an aura. I just choose to hide it sometimes, or at least reduce its visible intensity,” Lusam replied.
Renn laughed, “Impossible! Nobody can hide their aura, not even the arch magi of old were able to do that.”
Lusam thought about what Renn had just said, about having to use words to channel magic to make it work. He looked around him on the ground a located a small rock about the size of his fist and picked it up. He saw Renn was still watching him and gently tossed the rock to him. Renn deftly caught the rock in his right hand and looked at it closely, as if expecting to see something other than a rock in his hand, and seemed to become even more confused when all he saw was a normal rock.
“How did you catch the rock without saying out-loud that you wanted to catch it?” Lusam asked, smiling at Renn.
“That's different,” Renn replied tossing the rock aside.
“Not for me it isn't. Whether I want to catch a rock or create a fireball, it's all the same to me. It does take me a bit longer sometimes to think about what exactly I want to do when it comes to magic, but there again I haven't had as much practice at it compared to non-magical tasks. Simply put, if I know the spell, I can do it.
“With regards to aura's, I know how they work, my grandmother told me all about them, and of course I can see them myself in others. I can see your aura as a clear light blue, and I know by its strength you can sense magic in others, but you are unlikely to be able to perform complex spells. I learnt how to hide my aura when I was a child while playing hide and seek with my grandmother. And I was told then that nobody else had ever managed to do it in the past. I was asked to make her a promise that I would always hide the true strength of my aura from that day forward, a promise which I have kept to this day,” Lusam said solemnly, remembering the conversation with his grandmother, and how upset she was at the prospect he wouldn't make the promise to her, to keep his true aura hidden at all times.
Renn remained silent, obviously trying to comprehend what he had just been told. Lusam could see the unanswered questions still on Renn's face, rolling his eyes he sighed and said, “You want to see don't you?” Renn just nodded in reply. Lusam realised if he didn't show him his aura he would never hear the end of it, so slowly he lowered his defences and revealed his aura to Renn. He saw Renn's face change as he saw it appear, then
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