An Indecent Proposition

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Book: An Indecent Proposition by Emma Wildes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Wildes
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afternoon wasn’t a complete loss.
    After the interminable tea was over, she was grateful to be handed into the waiting carriage. Soon she would be married and her association with Derek Drake would be severed once and for all. Well, not completely, because his aunt and uncle thought highly of him, and Thomas and Margaret were in essence her parents, but at least she would no longer have to endure his company very often. Besides, when she did, Alfred would be at her side and that would help.
    Help what? The silent question made her gaze out the window as the vehicle rolled along.
    It was best not to think about it.
    About him .
    Tenterden Manor was not her precise idea of a small country estate, Caroline thought with a glimmer of nervous amusement, but the duke had been right about one thing: it was secluded.
    It sat in a wooded park, the mellow stone of the structure reflecting the wash of late-afternoon sun. An elegant facade showed Elizabethan influence in the outspread wings, parts of it obviously added over the years. Even if the duke was rarely in residence, the grounds were neatly kept and intensely green, and the clean gravel of the drive curved up toward the front door. Rows of shining mullioned windows were framed by ivy, giving the house a charming, almost fairy-tale effect, despite its great size. Mature trees stretched leafy branches over most of the grounds, letting dappled sunlight through to the clipped grass.
    It was lovely and very private. Just what they needed for their little interlude.
    Oh God. Nervousness fluttered in her throat, making it difficult to swallow.
    It wasn’t too late, she reminded herself, to ask Huw to turn around and take her back to London and just forget this mad escapade. Aside from the chance she was taking, after the next weeks were over, how was she going to feel?
    Like a harlot for offering herself to two of the most celebrated rogues in society?
    Perhaps. But then again, maybe she would finally feel like a woman instead, her inappropriate behavior giving some reward. The step she was taking to change her life was drastic indeed, but maybe drastic measures were needed.
    How humiliating, though, should she prove a disappointment to the notorious Duke of Rothay.
    On the contrary, she told herself firmly as the vehicle came to a halt and her stomach lurched, it was part of the wager between him and the earl that they were to prove their skill in the bedroom. She was merely supposed to cast her vote on which one could do it best.
    It sounded simple enough.
    The burly Huw was at the door of the carriage, holding out a hand to help her alight. His broad face showed no curiosity or censure, as blank as it had been when he’d driven her to the seedy little inn. She couldn’t help but wonder what he was going to think when he realized the purpose of her journey was an assignation. He’d worked for her for several years and their relationship as servant and employer was a very comfortable one. More things might change from this reckless venture than just her perception of herself as a woman, she realized, wondering how much she should care about the opinion of a servant. Most of the beau monde would assure her she shouldn’t mind at all, but Caroline wasn’t sure she could be so blasé.
    “Thank you,” she murmured, climbing down, hoping her trepidation wasn’t obvious.
    “My pleasure, my lady.” Huw inclined his head, his expression neutral.
    The front door opened and the duke himself appeared as she went up the inlaid brick steps. In the brief note he’d sent with directions, he’d mentioned there was very little staff at the house since he didn’t really use it, but she certainly didn’t expect someone of his rank to ever play footman. It was startling. He was also dressed very informally in a loose-sleeved white shirt, black breeches, and polished boots. It made him look younger, but somehow not less formidable—but more. The casual clothing emphasized his height,

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