Loving Vin (Barretti Security Series, #1)

Read Online Loving Vin (Barretti Security Series, #1) by Sloane Kennedy - Free Book Online

Book: Loving Vin (Barretti Security Series, #1) by Sloane Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sloane Kennedy
life at the hands of her father but it hadn’t taken her long to do what all the other women in his life had done – expect what they thought was their due. It was his own fault for lighting the flame by buying her clothes, letting her stay at his place. She was like a beautiful weed that had started cracking at his foundation from the moment he’d laid eyes on her. His mother had done the same thing to his father and it had destroyed their family. Elise had done it too and ended up stealing away the one thing he’d ever truly wanted because he’d fallen for her act.
    His rough treatment and cruel words were supposed to send Mia running. She sure as hell wasn’t supposed to kiss him back. But she was doing just that and it proved to be his undoing. All thoughts of punishment fled as he grabbed her beneath her slim thighs and lifted her off her feet and thrust his thigh between her legs to support her. When he’d released her hands to grab her legs, they hadn’t shoved him away or rained down blows on his back – no, they’d wound through his hair in an effort to drag him even closer. And as he settled her flush against the door, her hips were grinding against his to match the rhythm her tongue had set as it stroked in and out of his mouth.
    Vin dragged his mouth free so he could kiss and lick his way down her throat. The kerchief got in his way but a quick yank had it falling away. He let her all her weight sink down on his thigh and then used both hands to rip open her blouse, the buttons skittering across the floor. Mia stiffened against him but his mouth on hers gave him the few seconds of distraction he needed to get his hands on her breasts. She gasped at the contact and when he rolled one nipple between his fingers, her eyes slid shut and she moaned as her head hit the door. A quick tug and he was able to pull the fabric of her bra down enough so that his mouth could replace his fingers. Her hands tightened painfully in his hair and he looked up with just his eyes to see that she was watching him intently, her eyes glazing over as he continued to lick and suck on the turgid flesh.
    His whole body ached with need as he reached under her skirt with his free hand and began fondling her clit through her panties. Her lips parted in wonder as he worked her and then she was thrashing against him violently as her orgasm built. It was too fast but he didn’t care and he latched on to her breast and gave it a hard tug as his fingers pressed down and rotated firmly on her clit. She cried out as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her and he bit back his own painful need as her legs wrapped around his waist to hold him closer. He continued to stroke her through her release and then reached between them for the button on his pants. He hoped to God he had a condom in his wallet because there was no way he’d make it up to the bedroom before he buried himself deep within her slick channel. And coming inside her without protection definitely wasn’t an option. It wasn’t until he lowered his zipper that he realized Mia was no longer relaxed in his arms. In fact, the second she heard the sound of the metal teeth grinding against one another, she began fighting him.
    “Let go!” she shouted as her palms pushed hard against his shoulders. The fear in her voice was undeniable and he quickly lowered her to her feet and stepped back. Whatever pleasure had been in her eyes before was gone and all he saw was horror. He’d like to say it was just part of her act but the shimmer of tears had him second guessing himself.
    “Mia,” he whispered as the reality of what he’d just done hit him.
    “Don’t touch me,” she snapped as she yanked the edges of her blouse together and pushed past him and hurried up the stairs.
    “Shit,” he muttered as he pulled his zipper up and fastened the button. He was still harder than a rock but his need to make sure Mia was okay overrode everything else and he raced up the stairs

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