Her Bucking Bronc

Read Online Her Bucking Bronc by Beth Williamson - Free Book Online

Book: Her Bucking Bronc by Beth Williamson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Williamson
Tags: Contemporary, Western, Texas, cowboy romance, Devils on Horseback
off all thought and focused on the fact she was about to have sex with Dylan Bennett. And she damn well wanted it.
    “Do you have a condom?” She ground herself against him and he groaned.
    “Yes, but I don’t know if I can even take my britches off without hurting myself.”
    She choked out a laugh and moved her hips back and forth. “I think we need to find a way.”
    “Damn straight.” The next few minutes were full of the logistics of getting her shorts off, unbuttoning his jeans and pulling them down far enough to release him from the cotton prison, and pulling his wallet from his pocket.
    She straddled him again, this time with the wind caressing her hot, bare flesh. He dipped his hand into her wetness and she shivered. So good. So very good.
    “You’re distracting me.” She opened the condom and slid it down the impressive length of his cock. It was like hot steel in her hands. She slid her fingers up and down, pleased by how he sucked in a breath.
    “Can’t have that.” His voice had dropped to a husky whisper.
    She positioned herself above him and guided the head of his staff inside her, inch by amazing inch. He filled her, stretched her with a pleasure-pain she’d never experienced.
    “You’re so fucking tight.” He licked at a nipple while his breath puffed out in a staccato rhythm.
    She used his wide shoulders to leverage herself up and down, the slow slide sending exquisite pinpricks of pleasure through her.
    “You’re killing me.” He took hold of her hips and increased the pace, pulling her down with enough force to bang her clit into his pelvic bone. Her eyes rolled back in her head when he did it a second time.
    Time stood still and everything fell away. She squeezed her internal muscles around him and he growled. Her feminine side preened and she did it again. She didn’t anticipate she would cause her own orgasm, but when he brought her down again and again on her clit while she clenched around him, she exploded.
    Her voice deserted her while the waves of ecstasy slammed into her, stealing her breath and every coherent thought. He grunted and held her hips as he shuddered beneath her.
    Every inch of her skin sang in the languorous aftermath of the most explosive orgasm of her life. Better than any she’d had with Phillip, and with a man she didn’t even like.
    What had she done?

Chapter Five
    Dylan took his time washing up at the faucet, rinsing his bandanna and trying to calm his racing heart. His damn knees were wobbly. Although he’d wanted it, he hadn’t expected to have sex with Hannah.
    He’d lost his fucking mind.
    Not only would Dax kick his ass, but he’d be surprised if Hannah didn’t too. He deserved it. He’d broken one of his cardinal rules by becoming involved on a personal level with an owner. There wasn’t much more personal than sticking your dick in someone. He thought he’d crossed the line when he’d kissed her more than once. This time he’d obliterated the damn line.
    He turned to find her dressed and sitting on the picnic table, her gaze on the leaves of the tree above her. His stomach clenched. She was beautiful, passionate, and sexy as hell. The woman was perfection walking.
    God, he could still smell her on his skin. Dylan wasn’t one to run, but damned if his feet didn’t itch to get stepping in another direction.
    “We need to get to the supplier about the appliances.” He squeezed the cloth in one fist and told himself to be cool. People had sex every second of every day.
    Too bad he couldn’t be as casual as he should be and he didn’t know why.
    Her gaze was so far away, he wondered if she was still in Texas.
    Her mouth tugged down into a frown, but it wasn’t her usual angry frown. Her eyes were bright in the dappled sunlight.
    “Are you all right?”
    The corner of her mouth lifted. “I’m all right. I think I’m hungry.”
    He sat beside her, pressing his leg into hers. The warmth of her body seeped into his,

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