Loving A Firefighter (Loving Series)

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Book: Loving A Firefighter (Loving Series) by Susan Leigh Carlton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Leigh Carlton
other wound is to the heart.  A heart surgeon is working on him now.  Anna was not able to find out any details, just what I told you.  From my experience in the ER, I can tell you they have probably opened his chest to get at the heart.  Anna said they did not have him on the heart bypass machine which is a good sign.  Anna will keep us posted and I’ll be here with you, at least until Carrie starts waking up in recovery.  That will be at least another hour.
    Would you like to get some coffee?”
    Both shook their heads.  “We don’t want to leave.”
    “I was on duty and I have my pager.  They can reach me instantly.”
    “We’d rather not leave.”
    “I have some pull around here.  If you want, I can bum some coffee from the nurse’s lounge.  Would you like me to do that.”
    “Thank you, but no, I don’t think I could hold anything down.”
    “I understand.  Tell me if you change your mind.”
    * * *
    Another hour later, the door to the OR area opened and a doctor wearing green scrubs with a paper cap on his head, his mask dangling around his neck and wearing foot covers came out.  “Mrs. Evans?”
    Cheryl stood and walked over to him.  “I didn’t know that was your daughter I was working on.  Well, she tolerated the surgery well.  They’re closing and will have her in recovery in another fifteen minutes.  I don’t think it is a good idea for you to go back until she awakens.  I think she will be okay.  She will be in one of the rooms on the surgical floor until she goes to a regular room in a day or two.  Is that the family of the other patient?”
    Cheryl nodded.  “He’s Carrie’s boyfriend.  They were together.  How is he doing?”
    “I peeked in as I came out.  The circulating nurse told me the bullet lodged in his heart.  They are working at getting it out now.  It’s going to be a while.  I don’t know if he’s going to make it or not.”
    “Thanks, Doctor, I appreciate it.  Thank you for your work on Carrie.  I’m glad it was you."
    “Did he give you any news?” asked Mrs. Reynolds. 
    “They’ve starting closing on Carrie.  She’ll be in recovery pretty soon, but it’ll be a while before she wakes up.”
    “Did you ask about Chip?”
    “ I did.  He told me he looked through the window in the door.  He couldn’t go in because he wasn’t sterile.  The circulating nurse told him the bullet did a lot of damage internally on Chip but he doesn’t know the condition.  I would imagine Chip was in good physical condition so that’ll help him fight.  You just never know how it’s going to turn out.  I’ll stay here with you until Carrie wakes up.”
    “Thank you Mrs. Evans.”
    “Call me Cheryl, please.”
    * * *
    After Chip had been in surgery for 9 hours and 45 minutes, the doors to the surgery suites opened and a weary nurse emerged, still wearing surgical greens, a mask pulled down.  “Reynolds family,” she called out.  The Reynolds’s stood and the nurse led the way to a small consultation room.  Mrs. Reynolds turned to Cheryl Evans, who had returned to the waiting area after visiting with Carrie in the recovery room and said, “Cheryl, please come with us.”  The three of them went into the small room.
    “Your son is out of surgery and is in ICU recovery.  The doctor will be in to talk with you shortly.”
    “Cheryl, how’s your daughter?”
    “They did a partial splenectomy, and sutured a lacerated liver.  She came through okay considering she was shot twice.  She was with Chip.”
    “I hope her recovery goes well.  The doctor should be in any minute now.”
    They thanked the nurse, and settled back to wait for the doctor, who came in ten minutes later.
    He introduced himself and said, “ I’m Dr. Walters.  Your son is in pretty bad shape.  We removed two bullets, one is still lodged in his heart.”  There was a gasp from Mrs. Reynolds, who held tightly to her husband’s hand.  One nicked his spine, but we won’t

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