Loved by a Devil
sounded like a car door out of the car's frame. There was a scream, and the sound of something ripping. But it wasn't the paper tearing sound. It was the sound someone's body being ripped in half, guts and blood pouring all over the place. A feeling in my stomach told me I was right. I shuddered, glad I was on my side, not being able to see anything.
    "Ugh." I whimpered.
    Was I bleeding? I used my left arm to feel the back of my neck, discovering my hand was gone . I screamed, seeing a stub of where my arm ended.
    I whimpered, closing my eyes while I said, "My hand."
    "It's okay. I have it here. You're going to alright. Okay?" Drew tried to sound reassuring, but I knew there was a doubt in his voice.
    I didn't answer. I felt like I was gonna hurl.
    "It's okay. You're going to be okay." Drew sounded like he was just trying reassure himself now, as he worked on repatching my hand.
    "What happened?" I kept my voice steady.
    "You got hit by a car. I got my revenge on that bastard." Drew snarled.
    "It was an accident," I told him, "Wasn't it?"
    "No, no it wasn't."
    "Who...croaked?" I asked.
    "Riley." he spat.
    "He's dead?" My eyes widened.
    "He is now." Drew told me.
    "Here. Let me carry you inside." he whispered.
    "Ow." I hissed as he picked me up in his arms.
    "Sorry." he apologized.
    "It's fine." I sighed.
    "Close your eyes." Drew murmured.
    The smell hit me like a slap in the face. All the blood, and ichor and guts.
    "Let me go!" I shrieked, scrambling out of his arms and crawling back where I was lying.
    It all went out of me, all the stuff I've eaten this morning and this afternoon.
    "Moon? You okay?" Drew called out to me.
    I stood up, slightly losing my balance after I passed my pool of blood and vomit. Beads of sweat built up on my forehead. I forgot that I broke my ankle. Fire truck.
    I fell and rolled down a hill in the woods, ignoring all the pains in my wrist and ankle. Eventually stopping as I hit my head hard on a rock. I felt my wound, looking at my uninjured hand that had blood on it. I crawled back towards the rock, leaving my head on top of it, appreciating the coolness of it. I reached into my sweatshirt pocket, needing something to cover the cut from seeping more blood out of it. I felt something silver, I pulled it out. It was the broken crescent moon necklace. I gently put it to the side, laying it on the rock and keeping a hold onto it with my patched up hand in case I forgot I left it there. I reached into my pocket a second time with my free hand, discarding a familiar looking item. A handkerchief. The one that Drew gave to me the first day I met him. I felt the ivory-silk thing with my skinny fingers. I turned it over, seeing a manuscript handwriting sewed into it.
    You are mine
    the tip of a golden sunset
    the lost petal I still treasure
    the awakening of a moon rise
    the one that keeps me alive
    And when I'm not there with you
    you need to know
    I love you
    From: Drew
    To: My beloved Moon
    "Aw." I whispered.
    "Moon!" Drew shouted.
    Drew slowed down as he spotted me. He ran to me and picked me up in his arms.
    "Moon? Are you there?" he asked.
    A smile crept upon my lips. My vision started to blur. And Drew's voice seemed far away. If I was dying, then I would accept it. Because dying in the arms of someone I love was all I needed to keep me happy.
    "Moon." Drew whispered worriedly.
    I felt the broken necklace and handkerchief fall to the ground. My whole body went limp, and my eyes were starting to close. I remembered when I met Drew, when he taught me what M and M was at that hell hole BlackWater Acres, or when he said he loved me, and I said I loved him back.
    Did I love him? Yes. Yes I did.
    "Moon? You have to wake up. Wake up." Drew's voice broke as he fell to his knees.
    I love you. I thought
    Darkness overtook me.
    Chapter 12
    Drew's Point of View
    She fell from my arms, lying lifelessly on the blood stained ground. I didn't bother giving her CPR, I knew it was too late. But I just

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