Love Promises (Sully Point, Book 4)

Read Online Love Promises (Sully Point, Book 4) by Nicole Smith - Free Book Online

Book: Love Promises (Sully Point, Book 4) by Nicole Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Smith
was coming, and finally Eric said, "I
have to know. Here I was thinking you were the most irresponsible eater I'd
ever seen and then I find out just the opposite. What's been going on?"
    She sighed. "I got so angry at everyone about
all the matchmaking. And I was upset with myself for not standing up to them
all. That was what was going on the night we met. Then I was nervous the next
day--which is what accounts for the two mornings of pastries."
    "Are you still nervous?"
    "Kinda," she said quietly.
    "Pastry nervous?"
    She laughed. "Not really."
    "Good," he said, and reached over to
caress the side of her face for a moment.
    The electric feeling inside the car built as the
silence grew. Maggie felt like she could barely catch her breath by the time
Eric parked the car behind her apartment. They got out and raced up the stairs.
She dropped the keys and Eric picked them up and unlocked the door.
    Once inside, she threw off her cape and he tossed
his jacket to one side. His arms were around her pulling her body against his,
and they were kissing passionately. Maggie loved the way he kissed her, so
powerful and firm, like he was taking her over. She felt his kiss down to her
    He began to kiss along her jawline to ear lobe.
"Bedroom?" he whispered, as she shivered with delight. She turned and
led him into her room, which was filled with candlelight.
    "You left candles burning?"
    "No, they're on a timer--flameless
    "Ah, now that is a good idea. I want to see
you naked in the candlelight. I want you Maggie."
    "That works out well, since I want you,
    He began to undress her slowly, kissing her
between every piece of clothing. She thought she'd never experienced anything
quite so sensual. Her hands ran across his bare chest after he removed his
sweater. The feel of his muscles under her fingertips was intoxicating.
    As he lowered her to the bed, she suddenly was no
longer nervous. The look on his face, full of need, told her how much he wanted
her. But his hands were gentle, and she knew he would care for her.
    "Take me, Eric," she whispered.
    And he did.
    * * * *
    She woke up on her back, with his arm across her
waist, one of his legs over hers. It was morning and in the dim light from the
edges of the curtains, she looked at his body, so quiet in sleep. Quite unlike
last night, she thought with a blush. It hadn't been her first time, but in a
way it was--because she'd never had anything happen like last night in her
    He had made her feel things she didn't know
existed. The ecstasy was overwhelming. How could it have been so good? They'd
only known each other a few days, and yet their joining had felt so deep and
complete. And she realized, in the space between one breath and the next, she
was falling in love with him. As if she had always been in love with him, as if
the love had been waiting only for him to arrive in her life.
    Before she could think more about it, he stirred
and rolled to his side. His hand lightly skimmed the skin on her abdomen,
causing her to squirm.
    "Stop that," she said, half-heartedly.
    "Not really."
    He moved until he could pull her to him. They
started to kiss and then Maggie pushed him away. "The time! Sam is going
to be at your house--"
    "Damn, I forgot. He glanced at the clock by
the bed and sighed regretfully. "I need to get dressed and home right now.
But don't forget where we were. I expect to finish this later." He kissed
her lightly and got of bed, searching for his clothes.
    Maggie pulled a robe from her closet and put it
on. She walked him to the door where he gave her a big, comforting hug.
"When will I see you?" she asked.
    "We have dinner tonight at Julia's?"
    "Yes, but that's too long a time."
    "I agree. After lunch, I'll meet you here
around two. How's that?"
    He left with her standing at the door, watching
him go. She shut the door, and went to the kitchen to make a protein shake. She
was definitely going to need energy today, she thought

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