Love Like You've Never Been Hurt

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Book: Love Like You've Never Been Hurt by SJ McCoy Read Free Book Online
Authors: SJ McCoy
smiling as he
watched Emma with the kids.
    “Guys, please can I be the one to drop the bombshell on
those two?”
    “Only if we can watch!”

    Emma came back from the bar with two beers for Gramps and Joe. She
put them down on the table and smiled. “I’m going outside
to catch up with the gang.” She’d loved dancing with
Scott and his friends and talking with Gramps and Joe, but now she
was ready to spend some time with her friends.
    She plonked herself down at the picnic table where Ben was making
them all laugh with a story about a rich divorcee who had been wooing
him all through the off-season. She looked up at the night sky and
smiled; she felt happier than she had in a long time. This would be a
good summer and hopefully she’d be able to figure out where her
life went from here. She looked over at Jack who was laughing, head
thrown back. Too bad she’d be moving away from him, but she
knew it was for the best. She would never risk her heart again and
she knew that Jack, with his deep sexy laugh and gorgeous smile,
could shatter her heart completely if she gave him a chance. No, one
dinner with him on Thursday and then next weekend she would come up
here and begin her summer. Here she had her friends and her Gramps,
the beautiful lake and the fresh air. She had Aunt Martha’s
house to work on and a novel to write. She didn’t need a man,
no matter how attractive, to get in the way of that. He was part of
the LA life and she was leaving all that behind.
    “So,” Pete turned towards her, “Ben tells me you
were out to Martha’s old place today?”
    Emma realized she hadn’t told him her plans yet. “We
were. I’d forgotten how much I love that house.”
    “It is a beauty, and the best spot there is on the lake.
What made you go out there?”
    “Well, I’ve got something to tell you. I think you’re
going to like this.” Pete shot Jack a look she couldn’t
fathom, and Missy and Ben looked like they were about to laugh. “Have
you told him?” she asked them.
    “Told me what?” asked Pete. “That you might need
some help doing the place up? Because if that’s the case, I
might know the very man.” She saw him look at Jack again.
    “OK, so I didn’t tell you first!” she laughed.
    “Tell him what?” asked Jack looking thoroughly
confused by the whole exchange. She looked at him, sad that she’d
be leaving him behind.
    “That I’m staying up here for the summer.” Missy
and Ben both burst out laughing at the stunned look on Jack’s
    “And as I was saying,” smiled Pete, “she may
need some help with renovations” he looked at Jack, “if
you have time.”
    Now it was Emma’s turn to look confused as understanding
spread across Jack’s face.
    “If you have time?” she echoed. Jack had already
recovered and was grinning from ear to ear.
    “Since I’m going to be up for the summer too, building
Pete’s house!”
    Emma had no words. She looked from Jack to Pete and back again,
then at Missy and Ben who were still laughing.”
    “Oh!” was all she could manage.
    Pete laughed. “I’m so glad you’ve decided to
take some time up here, Em. You need it.” She stared at him.
“But you didn’t tell me,” he added.
    She gave him a grudging smile. “I didn’t know myself
until Ben and I saw Gramps this morning.” She looked at Jack.
“So, you’re going to build him a house? Where?”
    “Oh, you have to see it. It’s a gorgeous parcel on the
north shore. It’s on a headland with only one other house up
    Ben and Missy both collapsed laughing. “Aunt Martha’s!”
they chorused.
    Pete grabbed her hand. “Dance with me Em.” He dragged
her inside where the music had slowed and couples young and old
swayed together
    She looked up at him. “What the heck have you done?”
    “Mouse, I’m sorry. What can I say? My best friend and
partner is absolutely crazy about you and I happen to think he would
be wonderful for you. Even so, knowing your weird

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