Love Like You've Never Been Hurt

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Book: Love Like You've Never Been Hurt by SJ McCoy Read Free Book Online
Authors: SJ McCoy
hang-ups about men
and relationships, I did not meddle...”
    “Did not meddle?” she interrupted, “You just...”
    He buttoned her lips together between his finger and thumb.
    “Let me finish?” he laughed as her eyes bulged
furiously at him. “Can I let go?” She nodded. “I
did not meddle. In fact this afternoon I thought I was sending him
away from you. That he’d be up here and not, in his own words,
chasing you all over LA.”
    “He said that?”
    “I told you, he’s crazy about you. So you see, this
really is not my fault and I can’t stand for my Mouse to be mad
at me. Sometimes fate intervenes you know, Em. Even when we think we
know better.”
    Emma stared up at him. She couldn’t stay cross with him for
long, and had never been able to.
    “Still friends?” he asked.
    “Always, Idiot.” She replied in a ritual they’d
shared for over twenty years.
    “Good,” he breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m
sorry I had to drop it on you like that, but you have to admit it was
too good not to.”
    She slapped his arm and smiled. “I have to admit I’d
have done the same to you given the chance, and I hope you realize I
shall get you back whenever I can. So you’re really going to
build on my headland?”
    “Hell, yeah! We’re going to be neighbors, kiddo!”
    “So, that man is going to be out there all summer?”
    “That man is a very good man and you might want to give him
a chance.”
    For a moment she felt as afraid as she had all those years ago
when their friendship first began. New kid in class, newly orphaned,
hurting, alone and trusting no one. Pete held her a little closer.
    “It’s OK, Em. You know I’ve always got your
back. Not all men are like the asshole you married. You’re not
going to go through that again.”
    “But, Pete, that’s the point! I married an asshole and
I thought he was wonderful. I adored him and he broke my heart. I am
a terrible judge of character and I can’t be trusted. And no, I
won’t go through that again, EVER!”
    He tipped her chin and tried to make her smile by whirling her
around the dance floor. She managed a weak smile.
    “ Mouse, you may be a
terrible judge of character, but I’m not. I told you Rob was an
asshole and I’m telling you Jack is one of the nicest guys
you’ll ever meet. But that’s all; I’m not telling
you what to do with it. What matters most is that you enjoy your time
up here. Rest, relax, get your sparkle back, OK? And if it’s
really going to bother you, I’ll forget the house, not send him
up here.”
    “Oh, no Pete. I can stay out of his way. I want you to have
your house, to spend more time here yourself. I’m sorry. I’m
being silly.”
    “It’s not silly, Em. I understand, just trust me,

    Jack and Ben watched Pete dance with Emma. Missy had gone to check
on Scott.
    “Welcome to Summer Lake, then.” Ben slapped him on the
back and smiled.
    “Thanks, I’m not sure what to make of this though.”
    “I’m not surprised, Pete just landed one on both of
    “Well, I can’t say it was an unpleasant surprise for
me, but I’m not sure what Emma made of it.” The hurt and
confusion in her eyes had touched him. “What’s the deal
with her being so anti-men?”
    Ben looked at him. “She’s not so much anti-men, as
anti-relationships. She’s been hurt.”
    “No shit!”
    “Listen, you seem like a straight up guy to me. I’ll
be happy to help out and hang out when you come up here. Hell, it’ll
be good to have a new buddy around. But when it comes to Emma, I
think she should be the one to talk to you about it, not me.”
    “Fair enough,” said Jack, liking Ben even more.
    “I will say though, that if you can make our Mouse happy,
you’ll make me and Pete and a whole bunch of other people
around here happy too.”
    Jack smiled. “I’m going to try my damnedest to do
that.” Standing up, he shook Ben’s hand. “Wish me
    He tapped Pete on the shoulder. “May I cut in?”

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