Love Is Overdue
everything from that amazing date we’d had,
including the panty-wetting make-out session on top of the
    He listened to me go on and
on for over twenty minutes and when I was finally finished I
decided to forgive him for ignoring me for over a month. He had let
me have my moment.
    “ Why the fuck
didn’t you give it up?” He looked a little shocked once I had
finished my story. “I mean, in a way I’m glad you didn’t, but you
haven’t had any dick in what? Six months or some shit...” He shook
his head.
    I sighed. “He just seemed
too good to be true, to be honest. I fell so hard, I didn’t want to
wake up the next morning just waiting and praying for him to call
me – I really can’t go down that road again.”
    He sighed. “Well, I’m proud
of you. You don’t deserve any more bullshit, like people
disrespectin’ your moms and shit like that...”
    My eyes went wide. “You
wouldn’t believe it!” I said suddenly, remembering. “She made tea
this morning! I woke up and raced to the kitchen, I was hearing all
this noise like she used to make in the middle of the night a few
years ago when she was having all that fucking insomnia – I almost
had a heart attack! And she was just sitting there at the
table...drinking some fucking tea, Tony...”
    He smiled, and
I could tell that he of all people understood my excitement.
“That’s awesome, Gabby...and...” He stopped for a moment, looking
troubled again. “I just want to apologize for flakin’ out on you
this past while, I was just goin’ through so much shit with that
dick-wad Jason...”
sighed. So they had broken up. And here I had been hoping
Tony had turned a new leaf...
    About an hour later as the
two of us were browsing through the racks at H&M, I heard my
phone go off. It was Ben.
    < How’s the shopping going
sexy lady?>
    His text made my heart
flutter again and I tipped my phone for Tony to see.
    He sucked his teeth at me,
turning back to the rack of jeans he was scouring through. “I give
it, like three days max – and you’ll be fucking him.”
    Then I just stopped dead in
my tracks.
    Tony looked at me and saw
the look of horror on my face. “What?” He stared me down and then
slowly turned, following my eyes to what had me stunned like a deer
in some headlights.
    I couldn’t take my eyes off
him. It was Ben. He was standing a few rows away next to a
beautiful full-figured white girl – a little bigger than me, but
proportioned just right. She had beautiful reddish-brown hair tied
in a messy side-braid and a pair of skinny jeans that accentuated
her thick legs and huge ass.
    As I stared I saw her laugh
at something Ben said and her hand grazed his back so tenderly. I
was going to be sick.
    “ What?” Tony
demanded, his eyes still darting back and forth. “Is that him?” His
eyes were suddenly on fire.
    I nodded slowly, my heart
sinking into the pit of my stomach. I was about to cry and Tony
could see it.
    “ Fucking
asshole!” Tony was losing it. And then, before I could even manage
a response, he was marching his skinny ass right over to the two of
    “ No, Tony...” I
started to protest, but then as soon as Ben’s head turned in my
direction, I really needed to stop him. “Tony!” I called even
    It wasn’t Ben. As the flood
of relief started to wash over me another kind of panic set in as I
hurried over to stop Tony from confronting him.
    But I was too
    “ What the fuck?”
Tony’s eyes were shooting daggers at the two of them.
    Both of them turned to look
at Tony with complete confusion on their faces. And that’s when I
knew for certain. It was Ben’s brother. There was no question in my
mind. The similarities were far too strong – even down to their
dreadlocks, but then again, his brother’s were hidden under a
black-brimmed tam so it was hard to say.
    “ How you going do
my girl like that?” Tony demanded, staring down Ben’s brother like
he was about to pounce on

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