Love Is Overdue
seventeen year
old, who was constantly out partying and drinking all hours of the
night. I had a feeling it wouldn’t be easy convincing her to spend
the night again any time soon.
    I climbed into bed in my
t-shirt and panties and as soon as my head hit the pillow I heard
my phone vibrate on the night stand.
    beautiful. Sleep well.>
    His message made my insides
turn and flip and drip all over again. That night as I lay in bed,
I reached down between my legs and touched myself where I wanted
Ben’s hands, fingers, mouth and cock so bad I could have screamed.
I came so hard and so fast, stifling my moans as best I could with
my pillow, but truthfully, that night I couldn’t have cared less if
my mother had heard every agonizing second of it.

    Ben consumed my every
thought from that day on. We texted each other that weekend a lot,
but we didn’t see each other. I spent Saturday with my mom, running
errands and doing housework, and on Sunday afternoon Tony had
already roped me into going to the mall with him to buy some new
jeans. I sent Ben a text joking that he should come join us, that
Tony had excellent fashion sense and his response to that cracked
me up immediately.
    < If I was interested in
another man dressing me I probably wouldn’t be wasting all this
time textin your sexy ass.>
then he went on to tell me that he was taking his daughter Sophie
to the park and then spending the rest of his day off sleeping, but
I was more than welcome to come join him in bed. I rolled
m y eyes, but was still amused at
his suggestive response. He was such a man...
    < Call me
tonight> , I texted him just
before I headed out the door to meet Tony. I prayed he
    “ Girl, what did you do to your hair?” Tony gave me a suspicious
grimace as soon as I walked into Starbucks to meet him.
    I rolled my eyes. “What are
you talking about?” I sighed, sinking down onto the seat across the
table from him and tossing my purse down next to me. “I didn’t do
anything to my hair,” I shot back, taking a long sip of my chai-tea
    “ There’s
something different about you,” he said, eyeing me up and down, not
letting it go.
    “ Maybe that’s
because I met a man and it took all my strength not to fuck his
brains out Friday night,” I groaned, still secretly wishing I had.
“So I guess it’s taken a toll...”
    Tony’s jaw nearly hit the
floor. “What the fuck?” He made a dive for his iPhone. “He on your
    I hesitated. “Why? What are
you doing?”
    “ Checking him
out. What’s his name?”
    “ I’m not telling
you that. I don’t trust you. He’s too amazing and I know you would
do something stupid like send him a message.”
    Tony rolled his eyes. “Stop
the fuckin’ dramatics. What’s his name?”
    I sighed. “Ben,” I gave in
easily, and then waited briefly as he madly searched through my
contacts until he’d located his profile.
    His eyes popped open again.
“You craving some more black dick, I guess... He’s fine, though,
even though I can’t see much from his pic...” He squinted into the
screen of his phone again.
    “ He
owns The Rock , that Caribbean joint next to my work,” I
    “ Oh snap – you
serious? My aunty took me there last month. The food is da bomb –
even though I try to steer clear of those island restaurants...
Always lookin’ at me like they ready to fag-bash me as soon as I
hit the men’s room...” He let out a little dramatic shudder at the
    I shook my head. “Tony, he
is so amazing...and he’s so sweet and so smart and so gentle
and...” My voice trailed off, completely lost in my thoughts again.
“He’s so different too. I told him all about me and you – he didn’t
even bat an eye.”
    He lowered his eyes at me.
“You told him about me?”
    “ Yes,” I
    And then I just lost it and
told him every last detail – from how we met, to all the youtube
videos, and then

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