Longed-For Hunger

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Book: Longed-For Hunger by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
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you sitting there like that, I’m tempted to say the hell with it and stay, but I really can’t.”
    “I can’t even tempt you stay just for an hour longer?” She locked her gaze with his.
    “I don’t think once was enough.”
    His hands fisted at his sides and a muscle jumped along his jaw. “I can’t. If I touch you again, I would want you for longer than an hour. I’d make love to you until neither one of us could move. So that being the case, I’m going to leave while I still can.” He pulled a cell phone out of the front pocket of his jeans. “Give me your phone number. I’ll call you tomorrow before I pick you up for lunch.”
    Longed-For Hunger
    Nyx sighed as she admitted defeat. She rattled off her phone number and Denger programmed it into his cell. “I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow then.”
    “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.” He swooped down, kissed her until she was breathless before he pulled away again. “Don’t get up. I’ll let myself out.”
    From the high vantage point of her balcony-styled bedroom, Nyx watched Denger walk out the door. A wide smile spread across her face as she let herself drop back down onto the bed. Making love with Denger had been as intense as she’d thought it would be. He’d given her two mind-blowing orgasms. The man knew how to use his hands, lips and tongue. She hated to admit it, but sex with her late husband hadn’t been nearly as satisfying. Derek had been more of a sweet, gentle lover. Not like Denger, who took as good as he gave.
    Stretching her arms up toward the headboard, Nyx then lowered them so the back of her hands rested on either side of her head on the pillow. She rubbed them back and forth against the material. Her baby finger ended up getting snagged on a small hole. She sat up and pulled the pillow onto her lap. Her small apartment-sized washer and dryer were getting up there in age. She hoped the washer hadn’t decided to eat pieces of her laundry the last time she used it.
    Upon closer inspection, Nyx noticed there wasn’t one hole but two equally spaced apart. Strange. They were perfect small circles. Even stranger, when she pulled the pillowcase off, she saw the exact same holes. Whatever had made the holes in the pillowcase had gone right through.
    Nyx used her thumb and index finger to measure the space between the holes. They were two clean puncture marks. To her fanciful thinking, they looked as if a vampire had taken a bite out of her pillow. She smiled and shook her head at her overactive imagination. First she pictures Denger as the vampire hero in the book she was reading and now this. As if a vampire snuck in her room while she and Denger were in bed and tested his fangs on her pillow. Yeah, sure. And she doubted Denger went all dental on it either. Aside from the time when they had first bumped into each other and she 57
    Marisa Chenery
    thought she saw fangs peeking between his lips, she hadn’t seen any indication of him having any. And from the amount of kissing they’d done, she would have noticed. Not that she really expected Denger to have fangs. Vampires were only real in books and in movies.
    She put the pillowcase back on before she returned the pillow to the bed. Looking over at her bedside clock, Nyx saw it was late afternoon. She gathered up her discarded clothes and carried them down the stairs to the bathroom. Since Janet had known about her lunch date with Denger, she’d wrestled a promise out of Nyx to call her as soon as the date was over. Deciding she needed to talk to her friend about what had happened with Denger, Nyx dressed and then settled on the couch to have a long conversation with her friend.
    * * * * *
    The demon Sek watched his undead warriors train deep inside his lair. Mot, the other demon Apep, the demon god, had unleashed on the mortal world stood at his side. Ever since Ra’s Chosen warriors had almost destroyed Sek the month before, Mot had been dogging his heels. It

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