Long Gone Man

Read Online Long Gone Man by Phyllis Smallman - Free Book Online

Book: Long Gone Man by Phyllis Smallman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phyllis Smallman
Tags: Mystery
divide and conquer with his chief witnesses.
    Lauren was waiting in Singer’s bedroom and bounced to her feet as the door opened. “What did he ask you?”
    Singer closed the door.
    Lauren rushed forward to meet her. “Does he think it’s murder?” Lauren followed Singer as she crossed the room. “Does he suspect us?”
    Singer pulled her blouse over her head and let it fall to the floor. Exhaustion had taken away what little modesty was left after a life on the road. “Didn’t say.”
    â€œWhat happens now?”
    Singer shrugged and undid the string tied in a bow at her waist that held the paisley skirt on her hips. She let the skirt slide to the floor and stood in limp underpants, a bra with failing elastic, and broken down canvas shoes and started to laugh. Head back and hands on her hips, Singer threw back her head and let the deep roar of amusement rise from her core.
    Lauren buried her hands in her hair, scratching the shining mass back from her forehead. “Stop it.”
    Tears slid down Singer’s cheeks.
    â€œWhat?” Lauren’s hands were raised in petition.
    It took time for Singer to get enough breath to reply. “I just realized I didn’t have to open Beastie’s door. I could have just taken my skirt off.” The thought of walking through the fog in her underwear rekindled the madness and had her gulping for air. “Chilly . . . chilly walk.” She took a deep breath. “Would you have let me in without my skirt? Yeah, probably wouldn’t have mattered if I’d been nude. You barely even saw me.”
    Lauren was no longer interested. She prowled back and forth in front of the bed with restless energy. “Do you think Wilmot believed us?”
    â€œWhy wouldn’t he?”
    Lauren gnawed at a hangnail. “He doesn’t give much away. Could you tell if he believed us?”
    â€œRelax. We just keep to our stories and let Wilmot get on with looking for the real murderer. Then I can get out of here. A couple of days, I’ll be gone.”
    Lauren raised her head. “A couple of days?”
    â€œAt most. The cops aren’t going to let me go until they find the killer.”
    â€œI hadn’t thought . . . well, I hadn’t thought of you staying here for more than one night.”
    â€œSure, it’s okay.” Singer gave a soft lift of her shoulders. “I can move back into Beastie, go downtown, when it’s back on the road. Don’t worry. You won’t be stuck with me permanently.”
    â€œI think that’s exactly what will happen,” Lauren said. “We’re tied together forever by lies.”
    â€œWell, forever will have to look after itself. For now I’m treating myself to a shower and going to bed. I don’t care what else happens, I’m done.”
    Lauren tilted her head, considering Singer. “That’s strange.”
    Singer looked up from the canvas bag she was digging through. “What’s strange?”
    â€œA shower being a treat.”
    â€œNow there speaks someone who’s led a sheltered life. Don’t ever go camping, become a bar singer, join a band, or live on the road. In fact, don’t ever leave home.” Singer headed for the bathroom.
    â€œHow old are you?” Lauren asked, staring boldly at Singer’s body.
    Singer turned around to look at her. “We really have to do something about your manners. Don’t be rude, or I’ll tell everyone I’m your long-lost mother.”
    Lauren froze. “Why did you say that?”
    â€œA stupid joke. Sorry.”
    â€œIt’s all right.” Lauren sank down on the bed. “It’s just me being sensitive.” She pushed her hair away from her face. “I’m adopted.”
    â€œWell then, I can see how my claiming to be your mother would scare the shit out of you. That would freak anyone out, having me for a mother. Don’t you

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