All the Time
    Damn, that really hurt.
    Conrad shoved his chair further away from the
table. His penis was rampant, aching for a good hard fuck. If
Lainie licked her lips one more time, he was going to throw her
across the table and screw her silly.
    A knock interrupted his thought and broke the
sensual spell Lainie was weaving through his mind.
    Conrad’s invitation to enter came out
sounding closer to a frog croak than the manly tone he’d aimed
    * * * *
    Jared Easterlake, chef du jour, backed into
the room balancing a full tray on one muscular arm. “Lunch is
served.” He sat the tray on the end of the juice bar and made a big
show out of straightening the plates.
    Lainie had never liked Jared. He was too,
what was the word she wanted? Oh, yeah. Smarmy. Yuck. Every time
she had to go into the restaurant kitchen, when he was on duty, he
tried to hit on her.
    He’d even gone so far as to intimate she
didn’t know what she was missing by not sleeping with him. Thanks,
but no thanks. Mike was all the man she wanted or needed.
    Okay, so she’d checked out Jared’s cock when
he wasn’t paying attention and he was nicely endowed. It wasn’t
hard to notice when he wore those chili pepper pants all the
kitchen help wore. The soft weave fabric draped and showed more
than it covered. The kitchen girls hated the pants and said they
made their butts look too big. The men never seemed to complain.
Probably too busy watching the women’s butts jiggle.
    She tried to ignore Jared as he clattered
about Conrad’s office setting out lunch.
    Just get it set up and leave .
    She certainly wasn't looking forward to being
alone with Conrad. In fact, she just wanted to get lunch over with
so she could get back to work.
    Lainie was getting bored with Conrad's lack
of attention to their conversation. She had plenty of work on her
desk and she didn't particularly like being stared at by a lothario
who was dying to get into her pants. Especially since the guy with
the raging hormones was her boss. She was beginning to feel like a
virus under a microscope.
    It was way past the time she usually talked
to Mike and she was dying to whisper naughty suggestions in his
    “Lunch smells positively heavenly. I can't
wait to sink my teeth into a nice thick piece of meat." Oh hell. A
double entendre she shouldn't have used. Now both Conrad and Jared
would be panting and salivating like wolves looking for a mate.
    Lainie wished Jared would leave. She couldn't
stand the creepy feeling crawling up her spine every time he
smirked at her.
    Jared wiggled his eyebrows. “I’ll just bet
you are.”
    Lainie shot him a dirty look. “I beg your
pardon.” Don’t let him get to you. He’s only trying to get your
    His lips and eyes gave her the smarmy look
again. “Nothin’.”
    “Could you hurry it up, Jared? Lainie and I
want to eat lunch while it’s still hot.”
    “Oh, sure, sir. I’ll get right on it.”
    Snotty creep . Lainie turned her body
and pulled her chair under the table. It was usually fun to give
guys a glimpse of what they were missing, but for some reason she
didn’t want Jared staring at her legs any longer.
    “Shall I serve, sir?” Jared bowed at the
waist and Lainie was tempted to give him a good boot in the ass,
but somehow managed to restrain herself.
    “No, thanks, Jared. Leave the tray, we’ll
serve ourselves.” Conrad brushed aside his help with a frown.
    Jared stalled for so long Conrad told him if
he valued his job, he’d better get his ass in gear and get back to
    * * * *
    Lainie checked her watch and tugged at the
edge of her sweater nervously. Conrad noticed and assured her,
“Don’t be in such a hurry, love and for crissake, don’t worry about
Reggy. If you're late getting back to work, I’ll handle him. I'm
his boss too, although he seems to forget it once in awhile.”
Conrad pushed back his chair and stood. His hard-on was obvious,
but he didn’t give a rat’s ass. Conrad

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