Lonesome Beds and Bumpy Roads (Beds #3)

Read Online Lonesome Beds and Bumpy Roads (Beds #3) by Cassie Mae, Becca Ann, Tessa Marie - Free Book Online

Book: Lonesome Beds and Bumpy Roads (Beds #3) by Cassie Mae, Becca Ann, Tessa Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassie Mae, Becca Ann, Tessa Marie
an old man.
    My ass hits the bed, a hard lump occupying the spot, and I leap up with the girliest yelp. The lump shakes with laughter, and I whip the comforter back and see Lex fully clothed, taking head space on my luxurious pillow.
    “You could’ve made a sound, you know,” I say, beating heart going back to normal as I crawl in next to her.
    “I was enjoying the show.”
    “It’s dark.”
    “My eyes have adjusted.”
    “Still impresses you, huh?” I say, playfully grinding up against her. She laughs and puts a hand on my hip to stop me. Her laughter dies slowly, and I reach up to run a sleepy thumb over her cheek. “Did you need me tonight?”
    “I always need you.”
    “Well, yeah. But I mean…” I purposely push my hips into her again, this time being serious about it. I’m beat, but I can scrounge up energy for that.
    She stops my movement again. “I actually just need to cuddle tonight.”
    “I can do that.” I adjust to my back so she can rest her head on my chest. She plays with the bottom of my undershirt while I draw lazy circles on her shoulder. I’m nearly out when my sleepy mouth mumbles, “I think my bed feels really lonely without you in it.”
    She leans up and kisses my lips, and since I’m so tired they delay on kissing her back. I can tell she needs me for reasons other than just cuddling and sleeping, but my brain’s jumped ship, and we can talk all about it when it’s climbed back aboard.
    “Mine does too,” she whispers. Then she squeezes me tight. A grin touches my half asleep lips. This is how it’s gonna be. For the rest of our lives. Crazy days and lazy days, we’ll always end up in our bed together. Not a bad thought to fall asleep to.

Chapter 9
    There’s nothing in the world that feels better than Ryan’s arm wrapped around me as my head rests on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Especially after this week of craziness. Somehow no matter what happens, being here with him makes everything better.  I needed this. Needed him. Needed us.
    I cuddle into his side and smile when his grip on me tightens.  Even in his sleep he’s aware of me. and not in a weird possessive way, just a sweet and caring Ryan way. His chest rises and falls and I know I should get up, but I’ve never been so comfortable. So content.
    A groan slips from my lips when the first hint of daylight shines through the window and interrupts my happy place. I pop an eye open and what the! Oh God. A squeal flies from my mouth and I rip the covers from Ryan and dive under them, knocking him off the bed in the process.
    “What the hel…lo Grams,” Ryan says from his new spot on the floor.
    We are so busted. I push my fist into my lips to keep from laughing.
    “Grams, it’s not what you think,” Ryan exclaims.
    “So you two weren’t makin’ bacon?”
    Mmm. Bacon. My stomach decides it’s the perfect moment to howl to the rising sun. I clamp a hand over it and hope to all that is holy Grams keeps her attention on Ryan.
    “No we weren’t…What did you just call it?”
    “Don’t you get smart with me boy.”
    “You can’t hit me with a bible! That’s like sacrilegious.”
    “Don’t you talk to me about sacrilegious when you’re in here sticking your dipstick in her oil.”  
    Ryan’s weight shifts and he dives over to my side of the bed. A loud thunk echoes and Ryan yelps. “Ow! Grams, what the...”
    “Watch that mouth or I’ll get you again.”
    “What’s going on in here?”
    Oh God. Not Pop-pop too.
    “They were churning butter in here.”
    Mmm. Butter. Okay this is ridiculous. Nothing happened and I’m so hungry I’m about to start munching on the sheets.
    “May, put the bible down.”
    I flip the blankets from my head and catch Ryan’s eyes. He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t have to. I know what he’s thinking. It’s about time, Lex. My gaze drifts up and I bite my cheek to keep from laughing at Grams holding her bible above her head.
    Before she

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