Lonesome Beds and Bumpy Roads (Beds #3)

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Book: Lonesome Beds and Bumpy Roads (Beds #3) by Cassie Mae, Becca Ann, Tessa Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassie Mae, Becca Ann, Tessa Marie
Grams and Pop-pop about my dad while Ryan and Brett run to the store for toilet paper. When they return I can’t grab the roll fast enough. Then I say my goodbyes and head to school.
    Ryan walks me to every class, and the hours go by pretty fast for a school day. I meet up with Ryan out in the parking lot, catching him leaning against his car.
    “You busy this afternoon?” I ask, pressing into his chest and resting my head in the crook of his neck.
    “I…um…promised Brett I’d help him with something.”
    “Okay then. Call me tonight.”
    “Of course.” He pulls me tight, kisses my forehead then steps back, taking my hand in his. “I love you.”
    “I love you too,” I say and lean in pressing my lips to his cheek. “See you later.” I walk backward, refusing to let go of his hand. Our arms stretch wide and when I can’t go any farther without letting go, I blow him a kiss and let my fingers slide out of his. Just as my arm falls to my side, he grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him.
    “I forgot something,” he says then captures my mouth, causing my legs to go all wobbly. I claw at his chest to keep from going down and his arms tighten on my waist.
    He rests his forehead on mine and smiles.
    “That was hot,” I say.
    “Can’t deny my mad skills.”
    “I wouldn’t go that far.”
    His eyes narrow and his fingers snake around me. “Let me demonstrate again.” He hitches me toward him then opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue in a slobbery mess.
    “Don’t you dare,” I scream and push at his chest, breaking free of his hold. He runs after me and like always catches up, scooping me up off my feet and swinging me around.
    “Ryan!” I yell around my laughter.
    He places me back on the ground. “Call me if you need me.”
    “I will,” I say, kissing him one last time before slipping into my car and driving off.
    I have a few errands to run, and do so before heading home. I’m surprised when I walk in Mom is nowhere to be found. Usually I like the apartment to myself, but today I don’t feel like being alone. Ryan is busy, but maybe Kaylee is free. I pick up my phone and tap her name.
    She answers on the fourth ring. “Hey Bestie. What’s up?”
    “What are you doing? Want to go see a movie or something?”
    “Oh. No. I mean not no. I can’t. My uh mom’s in town. We’re going to lunch.”
    “I didn’t know she was in town.”
    “Me either. Total surprise. I mean shock. I didn’t know. Coming Mom! Sorry Lex. I got to go. Call me later?”
    “Yeah sure,” I say and before I can get out another word, Kaylee hangs up. That was strange even for Kaylee.
    Now with no Ryan and no Kaylee there’s only one person left. I tap on Nate’s name and send him a text.
    Lexie: You around?
    Nate: Yup. Everyone seems to be too busy for me.
    Lexie: You too!
    Nate: :(
    Lexie: I’m not too busy for you. Want to grab a burger at Skippy Lee’s?
    Nate: How’s a half hour?
    Lexie: Sounds good. Meet you there.
    I toss my phone in my bag and do a quick check in the mirror to make sure I don’t have raccoon eyes. All good. I have some time to kill so I grab my That’s Hula-rious and paint a nice coat of pastel green on my nails.
    Once they’re dry I grab my stuff and head out. Nate is in front of Skippy Lee’s rolling his hat down his arms and bumping it from one to the other. A little boy points to him as he walks by, watching in awe. I bet if he put out a cup he’d make some money.
    He spots me and bumps his hat onto his head. “Hey,” he says as I approach.
    I nod to the boy. “I think you have a fan.”
    Nate walks over to the boy, and pulls out a deck of cards, and I know he’s about to wow him with his cool card vanishing trick.
    Nate shows the card and then it’s gone. The boy’s eyes widen and he tugs on his dad’s jacket. “Dad did you see that? It disappeared.”
    “How’d he do that?” the dad asks his son.
    “Magic,” the boy says.
    Nate reaches behind the boy’s ear and

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