Logan's Bride

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Book: Logan's Bride by Elizabeth August Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth August
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rest of her sandwich as she went. Boyd followed, retrieving his holster and jacket while she shoved some clean clothes into the bag. “I figured we wouldn’t be coming back here. I can take a few things in an overnight bag but a suitcase would be too obvious,” she said in answer to his questioning look.
    Boyd nodded. “I’ll drive.”
    She knew he was hoping his car didn’t have a tracer on it or any bugs in it. Still, considering how closely they were being watched, it was only smart to be cautious.
    After tossing his satchel in the trunk, he helped her put her bag of clothes in the backseat, giving himself a chance to give that area a quick scan. No internal bugs there.
    â€œSo where to?” he asked, climbing in behind the wheel and giving the front a quick scan. There were no bugs there either.
    â€œThe grocery store,” she replied, giving him directions.
    As they pulled out into traffic, she spotted their tail a couple of cars back. “Looks like my trying to convince them Leona has taken off didn’t work.”
    â€œLooks like,” Boyd replied, letting her know he’d spotted their tail also.
    When they pulled into the grocery store parking lot, she went inside while he feigned interest in his tires. Rounding the car slowly, kicking each tire as if checking the air, he made a quick search for any kind of tracers Garduchi’s men might have attached to his vehicle. There was one in the right rear wheel case on the passenger side. Standing, leaning against the car nonchalantly, he managed to free it. Walking to the front tire, he dropped it behind the wheel so that it would be crushed when they pulled out.
    Then, leaning against the hood, he pretended to be enjoying the spring day while he waited for Katrina to return. Casually, he surveyed the parking lot. The car that had been following them was one aisle over. The driver had remained behind the wheel and was keeping an eye on him, while the other man in the car had followed Katrina into the store. He guessed his cover had been blown and made a mental note to be certain to mention Russ Miller to Captain Drake.
    Katrina returned a short while later with a single bag of groceries. “I decided you could take me out to dinner tonight,” she said loud enough for anyone who wanted to hear. Then stowing the bag on the backseat, she climbed into the front.
    â€œNow what?” Boyd asked.
    A grin suddenly spread across her face. “It looks like we just got lucky. We get to lose our tail without being obvious.”
    Boyd wondered why she was smiling, then he saw. An elderly woman had climbed into the huge older model car next to the one belonging to their tail and was backing out at a snaillike speed. Pulling out at a normal speed, Boyd was out of the parking lot while the woman’s car was still blocking Garduchi’s men.
    Katrina began giving directions. Once she was satisfied there wasn’t a second tail, she began guiding him to their destination. Half an hour later they were pulling into the parking lot of the Missouri Botanical Garden. As they left the car and headed toward the entrance, she said, “When I was growing up, my aunt and I used to come here regularly. I’m counting on her message meaning that she wanted to meet us here in their rose garden. And, I’m assuming that the eleven roses meant eleven o’clock. Or the message on the flowers could have been legit and she’s on an airplane winging her way somewhere into oblivion.”
    Boyd scowled at that possibility. “Garduchi will find her if she tries to get away on her own.”
    â€œI’m hoping she realizes that”
    Inside, they bought tickets.
    â€œShall we have a cup of coffee in the cafeteria. We’re early,” Katrina suggested.
    â€œI want to get an idea of the lay of the land,” Boyd replied, catching her hand to keep her with him as he continued to the exit leading into the

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