Logan's Bride

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Book: Logan's Bride by Elizabeth August Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth August
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in the middle of it.” She gave him a wry look to let him know this was all an act.
    Boyd’s frustration vanished. “So that’s why you’re so tense.” He added a huskiness to his voice. “Now that you don’t have to worry about your aunt, how about us going back to bed for a while?”
    â€œI can’t spend the entire day on my back.”
    â€œWe could try some other positions.”
    Katrina could imagine the chuckles her listeners were having at her expense, but she didn’t care. If this exchange got them off her tail, she’d be happy. “We’ve got to get to the grocery store if you want something home-cooked for dinner.”
    â€œSome of your terrific lasagna?” Boyd asked, playing along. Clearly she wanted to get going quickly.
    â€œWhatever you want.” Katrina’s voice took on an agitated edge. “How did that picture get crooked?”
    Boyd watched her approach a perfectly straight frame, one that had a bug behind it. What was she up to?
    Katrina moved the picture around as if straightening it. “What’s this?” she demanded angrily, pulling the bug off the back. “Someone has bugged my house. The FBI, maybe. Or the local police. Or, maybe even Garduchi. Damn, that makes me mad.”
    â€œGarduchi? Who’s Garduchi?” Boyd asked, playing his part of being an innocent bystander.
    â€œVince Garduchi, the mobster. That’s the man my aunt got herself into trouble with.” Dropping the bug on the floor, Katrina stomped on it. Knowing there was another bug in the living room that would allow Garduchi’s men to continue to monitor her, she said, “I hate having my privacy invaded. We’ll stay at your place. Tomorrow I’ll go into work and get a bug detector and clean my house of these metal insects.”
    â€œSure. They should be finished painting it by now,” Boyd replied, giving her credit for being smart enough to come up with a reason they could both leave with suitcases.
    Returning to the bedroom to dress, Katrina was aware that he was following. “You can’t watch me every second,” she mumbled under her breath.
    Boyd knew she was right. Besides, if she’d wanted to get away she’d had enough chances already. If she had a hidden agenda, it was obvious by now that, at least for the time being, it involved him. With a nod of agreement, he stepped into the hall and closed the bedroom door.
    Exiting her bedroom a few minutes later in a pair of jeans, cotton top and sneakers, Katrina was surprised to find him nowhere in sight. The thought that Garduchi’s men might have come to check the card and were holding Boyd prisoner, caused her stomach to knot in fear for him and she cursed under her breath for having left her gun in the living room. Cautiously, she made her way in that direction. The scraping of a chair in the kitchen attracted her attention. Quietly taking a look, she discovered Boyd seated at the table eating a sandwich. Her stomach unknotted. I just don’t want him hurt because of my aunt or me, she told herself, refusing to even consider the possibility that her concern for the man went any deeper than it would for anyone caught up in this situation with her.
    As she entered the kitchen, Boyd nodded toward a plate holding a second sandwich. “My mother used to say never go to the grocery store on an empty stomach.”
    She hated taking anything from him, but she knew she should eat while she could. Once they left the house, there was no telling what would happen next. As she began gobbling down the sandwich, she glanced at her watch. “We need to get going soon,” she said, between bites. “I have a hairdresser’s appointment in a couple of hours.” As an afterthought she added, “And I need to drop some stuff off at the dry cleaners.”
    Pulling out a fresh green plastic bag, she headed back to her bedroom, eating the

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