Liquid crimson

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Book: Liquid crimson by Carol Lynne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carol Lynne
stone-fronted houses built for mated Blessed Creatures.
    Michael followed Haig up the steps to the front porch. Although the houses weren’t big or fancy like Neo’s , there was a charm about them that very much appealed to Michael.
    When Haig opened the front door, the interior was just as homey as the exterior. “Kern,” Haig called out.
    “Hang on,” a deep voice said from beyond the open floor plan of the living room and kitchen area.
    Kern stepped into the room wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. “I smelled the two of you coming, so I ran in to throw some clothes on.”
    Haig cleared his throat. “You’d better put on a shirt, too. I’ll probably be in enough trouble for bringing Michael here, no sense in pushing my luck.”
    “What’s going on?” Kern asked.
    Michael didn’t know Kern as well as some of the other guards. Except for Haig, Kern tended to keep to himself. Michael wondered if the scar running from Kern’s forehead straight down to his collarbone had something to do with it.
    Haig crossed to the kitchen and opened the freezer. “Evidently Rafi’s come back.” Haig pulled out a large paper wrapped steak, the kind Michael had seen the local rancher deliver, and carried it back into the living room along with a dishtowel. “Here.”
    Michael took the meat and wrapped it in the towel before carefully placing it against his cheek. He winced at the pressure against his sore face but knew he had to get the swelling down, already his eye felt puffy.
    Kern disappeared and was quickly back, T-shirt in hand. He pulled the faded red shirt over his head as he neared Michael. After tilting Michael’s chin up and removing the makeshift ice pack, Kern grunted. “Well, at least he wasn’t trying to kill you. A weretiger could crush the side of your head in with one good punch.”
    “That’s a nice visual,” Michael mumbled, putting the steak against his cheek once more.
    Kern looked down, his piercing green eyes staring into Michael’s. “I’m saying, you should use that information when you talk to Neo. It might be enough to save Rafi’s life, but then again, if I were Neo, I’d track Rafi down and fillet him with my bare hands.”
    Michael glanced at Haig. The two of them hadn’t mentioned their fear of Neo’s reaction, so how did Kern know? He started to ask, but Kern beat him to it.
    “For us, it’s a natural instinct to kill what threatens our mate.” Kern glanced over Michael’s shoulder to Haig. “I’m lucky my mate is as strong as I am, but it doesn’t matter how strong or weak a mate is, the instinct is still there.”
    Kern returned his attention to Michael. “Why don’t you sit down, and I’ll make you a cup of tea.”
    “Do you have any wine?” Michael asked. “Sorry, but I think I could use some right now.”
    Kern grinned. Despite the scar running down the side of his face, the man was incredibly handsome. “Sure thing.”
    Before Kern left the room, Haig pulled him into a kiss. Watching the two heavily muscled men in a passionate lip lock was sexier than hell. Michael was forced to adjust his hardening cock in his jeans.
    “I’ll be back in a few minutes with Gunnar,” Haig said, breaking the kiss.
    Kern watched Haig until he was out the door before retreating to the kitchen.
    “How long have the two of you been together?” Michael asked when Kern handed him a glass of wine.
    “We grew up together, but we didn’t actually mate until we were seventeen.” Kern took a seat in the chair across from the sofa. “We recently celebrated our four hundred and twentieth anniversary.”
    “Damn. What do you get someone for that? I mean, it goes way beyond silver or gold.”
    Kern chuckled and stood. Turning his back to Michael, he lifted the tight T-shirt over his head. A tree, complete with branches, leaves and roots covered Kern’s entire back. Michael’s gaze shot to the lower portion of the tattoo.
    The roots were barely visible above the waist of Kern’s

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