Liquid crimson

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Book: Liquid crimson by Carol Lynne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carol Lynne
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for several moments. “Did Rafi threaten you?”
    Michael thought back to the confrontation. “He was angry.”
    “That’s obvious. What. Did. He. Say?” Gunnar asked, releasing Michael’s chin.
    Michael swallowed around the lump in his throat. “That someday I really would be sorry.”
    Gunnar stepped back and took a deep breath. “Joseph just called. Neo’s tearing his study apart because he can’t get to you.”
    “I should go then,” Michael said.
    Gunnar glanced back at Haig and Kern. “No. Let me try to calm him down before he sees you. You can wait outside the house with these two.”
    Michael looked at Kern. Although the man no longer appeared angry, his mood had definitely changed since Michael had asked the question about his family. Michael leant forward to whisper in Gunnar’s ear. “I’m not sure Kern wants anything more to do with me.”
    “That’s not true,” Kern said.
    Michael rolled his eyes. Of course Kern had to hear him. Most of the Blessed Creatures had hearing like The Six Million Dollar Man.
    “I didn’t mean to make you think that,” Kern continued. “My family just isn’t up for discussion. Ever.”
    Michael nodded. “I’m sorry. I’ll remember that.”
    Gunnar physically turned Michael towards the main house. “Enough stalling. Let’s go.”
    “You’re a pushy bastard,” Michael grumbled as he was prodded up the path by his friend. He almost called him Fido, but thought better of it with the other two guards in tow. It was one thing to tease Gunnar when they were alone, but doing it in front of Gunnar’s men wasn’t an option.

    * * * *

    “What the hell is taking them so long?” Neo yelled.
    “I wouldn’t know, Your Highness,” Joseph replied, picking up the pieces of a broken lamp.
    Neo stormed out of his study and into the informal living room. The sun was starting to set, but it would be another thirty minutes before he could venture outside to find his mate. Gunnar had assured Neo that he would find Michael and bring him to the house, but he was tired of waiting. He reached for the doorknob that led outside. With the cut glass fixture in his hand, Neo took a deep, calming breath. It was worth it to him to suffer the pain of sunburn, but he suddenly realised Michael would feel it as well, just as Neo had felt the pain his mate had experienced earlier.
    Before he could make his final decision, the knob in his hand turned. Neo stepped back and Gunnar quickly stepped into the house.
    “I found him at Kern and Haig’s place. He’s okay,” Gunnar said, attempting to assure Neo.
    “Where is he?” Neo asked with barely restrained rage. “I specifically gave you orders to bring him to me.”
    “And I did. He’s just outside with Kern and Haig.” Gunnar put a hand on Neo’s shoulder. “However. We’ve been friends long enough for me to know you’ll scare him in this state. You have to calm down or he’ll be afraid to come to you with a problem in the future.”
    “Don’t tell me how to deal with my mate!” Neo bellowed.
    Gunnar’s eyes narrowed. “I’m trying to save your ass. So shut up and listen to me.”
    Neo’s fangs dropped at the reprimand. “Bring Michael in or prepare to die,” he growled.
    The door behind Gunnar opened and Michael rushed into the room. “That’s enough!” Michael turned and pointed at Gunnar. “I appreciate your help, but you will not speak that way to him.”
    Gunnar opened his mouth to argue, but Michael shook his head and opened the door, gesturing for Gunnar to leave. “You’re one of my best friends, but I won’t let you ruin the relationship you’ve built with Neo over this. Now, please leave so I can try to calm this situation down before it gets even more out of hand.”
    Gunnar’s gaze broke from Michael to stare at Neo. “Call me when I’m needed.”
    Neo nodded. Fighting with his head of security wouldn’t keep Michael any safer, in fact, it could possibly have the opposite effect.
    Gunnar gave

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