Limitless (Journey Series)

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Book: Limitless (Journey Series) by C.A. Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.A. Williams
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glued to his book. “Yup, me and Mommy
played all day after she picked me up from school. Then Auntie Ally came over
but Mommy kicked her out.  She told me it was quiet time now.”
    “Cool, little dude.” Leah kicked
Ally out? Obviously, the little man was over exaggerating, which he tended to
do. I walked over and fluffed his hair before crouching down to kiss him on the
    The big weekend was coming up when
he would be gone at Roy’s and I wasn’t looking forward to it. It was definitely
going to be strange. I had planned to keep Leah and I pretty busy, so we could
keep our minds off  it. “Where’s Mommy at?”
    “I think she’s in bed. She was in a
bad mood after she peed on the stick. She came in a little bit ago to check on
me and then went back to your room.”
    Peed on a stick? Ok-ay. Kid just
keeps getting weirder and weirder every day. “‘Kay bud, I’ll go check on her
and then fix us some dinner.”
    I walked down the hallway towards
our room, the door was open but the room was dark. “Baby?” I slid across the
bed and wrapped my arm around her waist, where she was lying face down buried
in a pillow. She slightly lifted her head and looked up at me through swollen
eyes. I reached out and pushed back her matted hair, swiping at the one lone
tear that was rolling down her cheek.
    Leah normally wasn’t a crier, so
something was definitely up. I guess my little bit of bad news could wait, no
reason to upset her anymore. I wanted to wrap her up and take away whatever the
hell was wrong, but she didn’t look like she wanted me to. Actually, she looked
like she was sort of pissed at me.
    “What’s wrong, Leah? Just talk to
me, whatever it is will work it out.”
    She let out a loud huff, burying
her head in the pillow once again, and mumbled something incoherently. I leaned
down so I was right next to her and gently moved her head to the side so I
could cradle it between my hands. “You know I didn’t hear you, so just spill
    “Ugh, Chase.” She scrubbed her
hands over her face and peeked out between her fingers. “I’m pregnant. And it’s
your entire fault,” she added at the end with a groan.
    “What?” I jumped up to my knees,
grabbing at her hands to pull her up with me. “Seriously?” I was going to
ignore the little fact that she was blaming this all on me. Pretty sure, it
took two to tangle and she had no problem with that.
    She nodded her head, squeezing her
eyes shut and sniffling. “I knew you would react like this.”
    “Of course, what did you expect?
I’m happy as hell, our baby is in there.” I splayed my hands across her flat
stomach and leaned down to kiss it.
    “You’re not excited about this?” My
smile faltered just a little when I looked at her miserable expression. I guess
I shouldn’t have been too surprised. Any kind of life altering changes usually
freaked Leah out. We hadn’t really talked about having kids much and I knew we
were still pretty young, especially Leah, but if it was meant to be, so be it.
    “I don’t know, Chase. The timing
just seems so off. I’m already busy enough as it is between school, work, and
Caleb. It’s just a little overwhelming.”
    “We’ll make it work, I promise.
Whatever I have to do, I’ll do it. This will be one of the most exciting times
of our lives, just wait, you’ll see.” She let out a loud groan and collapsed
against my chest. “Why does everyone have to be so damn happy about this?”
    I promised to keep Leah busy the
weekend that Caleb was gone to keep her mind off the fact that he was gone, and
for the most part I did. I think she cried pretty much the whole ride back to
our house after we dropped him off with Roy. We both had gone in to check out
his house when we dropped him off.
     Roy’s house looked like he

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