Limitless (Journey Series)

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Book: Limitless (Journey Series) by C.A. Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.A. Williams
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head was beginning to
spin a little at the question.
     “Wait, Leah, when was the last
time you had your period?”
    “I’m not really sure,” I responded
slowly, trying to picture a calendar in my head. “I guess right after the
wedding. Chase was bummed that I got it since it put our honeymoon celebrating
on hold for a little while. I haven’t really thought about it because I’ve been
a little stressed out about the whole situation with Caleb.”
    “’Kay, I guess that’s
understandable, but we aren’t going to sit here and question the what- ifs.” “Here.”
She shoved Caleb at me and somehow I numbly took him into my arms. “I’m going
to run to the drugstore real quick, I’ll be back in ten minutes tops. And
    “Yeah?” I answered back with my
eyes squeezed shut. I could feel a major headache coming on.
    “Don’t freak out yet. Please.”
    Easy for her to say.
     I kept myself busy with getting Caleb’s
snack fixed and set him down on one of the barstools when I was finished. He
kept up a constant chatter while eating, which helped to keep my mind off
things for the most part, until I heard the front door slam shut, bringing me
back to reality.
    “Into the bathroom now.” A plastic
bag was shoved into my hands and Ally was behind me pushing me down the hallway.
“Let’s just get this over with, Leah. Nothing’s going to change if you put it
off, better to know now rather than later on.”
    I could understand what Ally was
saying but she wasn’t the one in my shoes. I emptied the bag out onto the
bathroom counter and a quiet laugh escaped when I saw she had bought five
different tests. How in the hell was I laughing right now? Clearly, this was
not a laughing matter.
    The door creaked open just as I was
standing up to set the stick on the counter. “Mommy, why are you peein’ on a stick?”
Caleb peered onto the counter, looking quizzically at the test. I was probably
just about as confused as him, so I ignored his question.
     I looked at my watch, watching the
seconds tick away until the three minutes were up. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted
kids of my own, Caleb really was enough for me to handle. I knew Chase wanted
kids, but we really didn’t need them now. I know he liked things to move
quickly, but I don’t think this was one of those things.
    The door flung open all the way and
Ally came in to peer over my shoulder just as the little digital hourglass
disappeared on the two tests that I had taken and the word pregnant replaced
it. I swear my heart literally stopped when that popped up. Ally let out a
squeal and started jumping and down behind me.
    “C’mon Leah, you have to be a
little excited, right?” She grabbed onto my wrists to spin me around where my
feet had been frozen into place, and proceeded to bounce around the small
confines of the bathroom. Pretty soon, Caleb joined in clapping his hands
together, even though he had no clue what was going on.
    After the two of them finally
calmed down, I pushed Ally out the front door. “You need to leave. I need time
to process this and I can’t do that with all of your squealing.” She was way
too bubbly about this and I really needed to have as much peace and quiet that
I could get before Chase came home.  What in the hell was I going to do?

Chapter 11
    The house was unusually quiet when
I came home from work. I was already a little nervous to tell Leah about what
exactly had happened at school today, and the silence really wasn’t helping my
nerves. Normally, Caleb was running around like crazy and Leah was cooking
dinner on her nights off. I quickly found Caleb in his room with a stack of
books, reading to his favorite stuffed animals and Tootsie. I swear, that dog
had some patience and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the story about the
little bugs that I had heard about a hundred times.
    “Hey buddy, did you have a good
    His brown eyes flicked up for just
a second before going back to being

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