Lexia (The Deadwood Hunter Series)

Read Online Lexia (The Deadwood Hunter Series) by Rachel M Raithby - Free Book Online

Book: Lexia (The Deadwood Hunter Series) by Rachel M Raithby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel M Raithby
his face. Should I tell him?
    “Everything’s fine, Dad, don’t worry.” Lexia hurried up the stairs before he asked her anything else.
    She found Alice passed out in bed again; she stirred as Lexia entered the room. Rolling over with a moan, her eyes cracked open slightly.
    “I feel like crap, how are you even walking?”
    “High tolerance. Dad will be up soon with food, you’d best look less hung-over. He thinks you’re feeling emotionally unwell from the break-up.”
    “This is from the break-up, and since when did you have such a tolerance for alcohol?”
    “I think you must have hogged the bottle. Anyway, I need to shower.” Lexia picked up a t-shirt and hung it around her neck to hide the mark on her neck.
    Alice sat up and looked properly at Lexia for the first time since she walked in. “Hey, Lex, what have you been doing? And your knee!”
    Lexia looked down having forgotten about tripping over. The cut on her knee had gone but dried blood still clung to her skin. “Oh, I tripped out running.”
    “Jeez, Lex, what’s with you lately? All you do is run, you’re making me look so lazy!”
    “Nothing, I love running. It clears my head and I’ve had a lot to sort out lately.”
    “And other things.”
    “Need to talk?”
    “I do actually, but first let me shower, I’m gross.”
    “Mmm, not got the brain power yet anyway. Maybe after waffles?”
    After breakfast in bed, Lexia and Alice put on another movie. They both laid out on her double bed pretending to the watch the film when both of their minds were really far off, thinking about boys.
    “Hey, Lex.”
    “Are you going to get with Dan?”
    “I don’t know, I mean he’s nice and all, and cute but...”
    “But what? What’s wrong with a nice guy?”
    “Nothing, I…”
    “Come on, Lex, I’m not stupid. You were constantly going on about Dan.”
    “It’s just, I kinda like someone else.”
    “And nice guys are only good enough when there’s not a sexy bad boy hanging around, huh?”
    Lexia laughed. “I’m stupid, aren’t I? I should just go out with Dan.”
    “Well, I am not going to judge.”
    “Come on, Alice, you always judge and I need you to now! Set me straight.”
    “Well, you asked for it! This guy, Lincoln, well, I only met him once when he was being a total creep but I can see the appeal. He’s movie star hot and has the whole bad boy charm going but is that really what you want?”
    “He’s not always like that. Sometimes when he drops his guard he’s so sweet—and the way he makes me feel Alice, just one smile, a slight touch and I’m lost in him.”
    “God Lex, you have it bad! But you’re going to have your heart broken, if you carry on seeing him and things get more heated. Imagine how you will feel then... He might leave town or get bored with you.”
    “But he might not.”
    “Lexia, what’s this town got to offer a hot twenty-something-year old?”
    “Aww, babe, come on. I love you, but really, wake up.”
    “Okay, say I’m wrong and he stays for you but if I’m right... Is he really worth the risk?”
    “I don’t know, I think so.”
    “Well, only you can decide and I am always here for you. I’ll pick up the pieces.”
    “Thanks. Aren’t I supposed to be picking up your pieces?”
    “You did last night. I’m over him now and on to my next target.”
    “And who’s this target?”
    “Not decided yet but I’ll tell you when I do.”
    “Are you planning on going home today?”
    “Yes, I best do soon. My head’s stopped pounding but do you think Mike might feed me first?”
    “I’ll go ask,” Lexia answered, laughing.

Chapter 9
    Lexia walked down her driveway on Monday feeling a little sore from the weekend’s running. She had on a high-collared top and a scarf just to make sure no one spotted the bite mark that the panther had given her; it had mostly healed over the weekend but she still had some slight marks and didn’t

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