Lethal Misconduct
long story. Listen, I’ve got a place right around the corner. How about we head over there and talk this out?”
    “No thanks. I think I’ll in the other direction.”
    “I’m sorry you feel that way.”

    Chapter 14
    Charlottesville, Virginia
    9:04am, April 6 th
    Price’s finger tightened on the trigger. He could feel the pressure keenly, knew how much it took to make the weapon fire. Countless rounds downrange. He expected his adversary to go for his weapon. What happened instead surprised him even more.
    Before he had a chance to respond to the cocky guy standing there with an annoyed look on his face, three more men rushed into the room, weapons trained on him. Price did a quick appraisal of the new arrivals.
    A guy roughly the size of the first, but this one with his blond hair tied back in a pony tail. Eyes steady like a snake about to strike. The second, a huge black guy who would’ve had to duck to get inside the door had he been standing straight up. He looked like an NFL lineman. The third a short Hispanic with a funny looking beard weaved in twin braids hanging off of his chin. He could tell they all meant business. No hesitation. All pro.
    “Put the gun down, sir,” said the black giant.
    Price knew he was cornered. All he could do was nod and lower his weapon.
    Cal was relieved when the guy finally put his weapon on the ground. Daniel moved to secure the firearm along with the man’s backpack. Gaucho frisked the man, giving Cal a curt nod when finished.
    “I think we can put those away now, guys,” said Cal. His friends re-stashed their weapons, but still kept a wary eye on their target. “Let’s head back to the house and chat. Can you make the trip without making a run for it? He may look like a slow beast, but Master Sergeant Trent can outrun the rest of us in a foot race.”
    The man nodded, his shoulders sagging.
    After retrieving his own weapon, Cal walked up with his hand extended. “Cal Stokes, Mister…?”
    “Price. Doctor Hunter Price.”
    The four men escorted Dr. Price up to the Lawn side exit facing Thomas Jefferson’s famous Rotunda at the far end. Workers were busy doing something to its once white dome. Lush moss green grass blanketed the interior of the Lawn, students taking advantage of the early sun to lay back and soak in its rays. Some were throwing Frisbees or footballs.
    Price wasn’t sure, but he felt more eyes on the periphery, probably with this Cal Stokes and his men. It was obvious that the others deferred to Stokes, who looked to be the youngest of the group. They chatted like old friends as they made their way up the Lawn and exited around the Rotunda.
    They didn’t talk to him and he didn’t try to make conversation. Any casual observer might think that the five were traveling together, nothing amiss. These men were definitely pros. Price had no doubt that if he made a break for freedom one or all of the men would have easily incapacitated him, especially the quiet one with the pony tail. Something in his eyes screamed professional. Hell, they all did. And yet, he didn’t get the feeling that these were cruel men, men Cromwell might hire. Strange.
    Price decided to bide his time and see what would happen.
    Cal had observed Price on the way back to their new headquarters, watching for any signs that the man was wavering on their accord. The man seemed lost in thought. Hell, Cal didn’t blame the guy. More than anything, Cal couldn’t shake the feeling that despite his earlier posturing, Price seemed relieved, like a man who’d been through hell and back and finally got a chance at a sip of water.
    After dodging the workers in the backyard who were busy installing a full outdoor entertainment area, courtesy of Jonas, they were greeted in the kitchen by the rest of the team, arranged casually in the dining area and on the chairs in the living area. They were operators who’d seen all manner of good and evil in

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