Lethal Misconduct
campus well and his team was closing in. It was only a matter of time before they cornered the man.
    A half a block later, Cal crossed Jefferson Park Avenue and picked up the pace.
    Still part of the line of students, Price walked into the back of New Cabell Hall, deciding to make a few passes up and down the stairwells and classroom hallways. The sensation of being watched hadn’t subsided and he resisted the urge to bolt. Instead, he plastered a bored look on his face and made his way up the stairs.
    Cal texted the rest of his team and told them to cover the New Cabell Hall exit. He reiterated that they not make a scene. That was the last thing they needed. Colleges were even more frightened at the thought of having weapons on campus. Every one of Cal’s men was armed. All it would take was a tiny altercation for the authorities to be called.
    His team knew the better way was to maintain surveillance and hopefully confront the suspect away from Grounds.
    Satisfied that his team was in place, Cal slipped into the building, barely catching a glimpse of a blue hat up ahead.
    The warning bells in Price’s brain blared like a klaxon. He’d seen the face of a man who he thought he recognized from earlier. Young. Fit.
    Adrenaline hiked his blood pressure, his breathing increased. A trickle of sweat ran down his back as he ducked into an empty classroom on the third floor. Hustling to the back of the space, he sat in a chair and pulled his backpack off, laying it on the desk in front of him. His hand now held his loaded Glock inside the zipper. He didn’t want to use it, but he would if needed.
    Cal saw the guy duck into a classroom. Instead of following, he made a discreet pass to see if there was a class in session. Nope. Empty.
    He quickly texted the room number to his team. They’d be there in a moment. Taking a deep breath, Cal opened the door and stepped inside.
    Price’s body tensed as the same face he’d seen outside walked into the classroom. Without hesitation he stood, slipping his weapon out of the backpack and aimed at the man.
    “Put your hands—”
    Before he could finish, the good-looking guy whipped out his own pistol.
    “Don’t do anything stupid, buddy.”
    The guy’s pull was quick, practiced. It had taken Cal by surprise. He stared down his sights, wondering what the guy was thinking. For a moment they just stood there, no sound except for the muffled footsteps from the hallway.
    “I already told Cromwell I’m not coming in,” said the man.
    “I don’t know any Cromwell, dude. Now why don’t you lower your weapon and I’ll do the same.”
    His opponent cocked his head, eyes taking him in.
    “You’re full of shit,” said the guy.
    Cal shrugged. “Sometimes. I’m a Marine. I can’t help it.”
    The stranger’s demeanor confused Price. He didn’t look like one of Cromwell’s goons. He sure as hell didn’t act like one either.
    “How do I know you don’t work for Cromwell?” asked Price.
    The supposed Marine exhaled and put one hand in air, lowering his weapon. He surprised Price further by bending down and setting the pistol on the ground.
    “Happy now?”
    Despite still having a loaded weapon aimed at him, Cal was calm. The guy didn’t look like he was new to guns. He’d never once dropped his gaze and had even removed his finger from the trigger when Cal had placed his pistol on the ground.
    “Why are you following me?” the man asked, suddenly curious.
    Cal scratched his head. “That’s sort of a long story.”
    “Who do you work for?”
    “That’s an even longer story.”
    The man coughed out a sarcastic laugh. “Tell me why I shouldn’t tie you up and leave you.”
    Cal was tired of the back and forth. “Look. We know about the cancer thing.”
    The guy’s eyes widened, his finger once again jumping to the trigger. “How did you—”
    “Like I said, it’s a

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