Let the Dance Begin

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Book: Let the Dance Begin by Lynda Waterhouse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynda Waterhouse
slipped it on. ‘Do you think it’s too showy? Sandrine had them made for me because I was representing the palace.’
    Cassie nodded. ‘It’ll certainly get you noticed.’
    ‘Then I’ll put something else on. I hate being the centre of attention.’ Shell took out a simpler outfit from her trunk. ‘I’ll wear this one instead.’
    They crept down the stairs and past the dining hall where Cassie tried to ignore the smell of crispy fried seaweed. They opened the large double doors that led to the dance studio. There was a
lobby with long benches and hooks to hang your shoes on.
    The dance studio was chilly and their footsteps echoed on the finely polished driftwood floor. The walls were covered in mirrors, but some of them were tarnished and the paint around the edges
was peeling.
    Shell poked her head inside and sniffed. ‘It’s not very grand. We have store cupboards at the palace that are finer than this!’
    Cassie looked at the floor. ‘We’d better put on our dancing slippers,’ she said.
    They both sat on a long bench and put on their slippers. As she stared down at the careful stitching Cassie’s hands trembled. It wasn’t just because it was cold. It suddenly hit her
that her mother had once danced in this room and maybe even in these shoes. She quickly stood up and joined Shell, who preening herself in one of the many mirrors. Cassie poked out her tongue at
her in the mirror.
    ‘Call that a face?’ Shell pulled down her eyelids and grimaced.
    ‘Gross!’ Cassie said, pretending to be shocked.
    ‘There you are!’ Lexie followed them into the room. ‘I’ve been looking all over for you!’
    ‘This room smells damp.’ Shell sniffed as she put her arms around her shoulders.
    ‘It’s full of memories of other dancers,’ said Lexie. ‘They will guide us.’
    Shell started doing a jerky dance. ‘I can feel myself being controlled!’
    Lexie and Cassie copied her as they moved around the room.
    ‘I thought you must be here. I looked for you in the dining hall this morning.’ Lexie sounded disappointed.
    ‘We didn’t feel like eating,’ Shell answered.
    ‘I ate a big breakfast and I slipped some sea spinach rolls in my pocket, if you want one. And I’ve brought something for Mrs Sandskrit.’ Lexie placed a small package on the
    ‘Lexie, that’s great.’ Cassie took one of the spinach rolls and popped it whole into her mouth.
    ‘Careful – they’re still warm,’ Lexie warned.
    Cassie’s cheeks bulged, and Shell pretended to be shocked. ‘Now what would Calluna say if she saw that?’
    They all giggled.
    Lexie pulled her face into an expression just like Calluna’s, and mimicked her sharp voice. ‘I am shocked that you are eating in the dance studio. Whatever will you try next –
dancing in the dining hall?’
    They all shrieked with laughter.
    ‘That is brilliant. Do it again!’ Shell insisted.
    Lexie did an even more over-the-top impersonation. She pulled a grotesque face and said, ‘You have exactly thirty-three seconds to eat your breakfast, dress, dance and don’t forget
to burp!’
    They were laughing so hard that they didn’t notice the figure standing in the doorway until it was too late. Calluna walked purposefully across the room and placed some large diagrams
around the room.
    Lexie watched her in horror. ‘We were only messing about. I’m really sorry’
    Calluna turned slowly towards Lexie and curtesyed. ‘I do everything properly’ she said in a soft voice. ‘And, Lexie, that includes bearing a grudge. Believe me, you will be
    Cassie reached out and squeezed Lexie’s hand. It was cold and trembling. ‘Oh Cassie,’ Lexie gasped. ‘I feel like I’ve swallowed an iceberg.’
    Mrs Sandskrit sailed into the room at that moment, wearing a bright yellow practice outfit that shimmered around her large body like a heat haze in the sun.
    She took one look at them and said crisply, ‘You are early’
    Shell, Cassie and Lexie looked

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