Let Me Love You

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Book: Let Me Love You by Kristin Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristin Miller
Tags: book 4, Blue Lake Series
at this brother, and then back to Lucy. “Hope I’m not interrupting.”
    “Of course not,” Joey said quickly.
    Lucy smiled, remembering her place. “Can I get you something?”
    “Yeah, I was thinking about what you said back there.” He tunneled his fingers through his strands of dark hair and grinned from the side of his mouth. It was almost…rehearsed. As if he knew what kind of a reaction that would elicit from a woman. “I have plans to spelunk down Whipside Cavern tonight at five. I’d like you to come with me.”
    “Oh.” Eagerness purred through her veins. “Tonight?”
    He didn’t ask. He didn’t demand. He simply stated what he wanted.
    “The lines are open tonight?” Joey asked, turning his attention to his brother. “I thought they closed at three.”
    “They do,” Dane said smugly. “For the public. But since I own the store and supply their tours with gear, they open it up for night rides. We’ll have lights on our helmets, drop five hundred feet, and then search out the cavern in the dark.”
    Although it wasn’t the sexy date she’d been hoping for, the excitement factor was more than what she’d expected. What a crazy once-in-a-lifetime experience! She’d spelunked down Whipside during the day before, but never at night.
    On second thought, a nighttime rappelling trip could be romantic. He might’ve had plans to light candles so they could find each other in the dark.
    “Dad said you were supposed to meet him at the store to patch the roof,” Joey fired. “You can’t bail again, Dane. The last time we showed up to fix the front door, you left us hanging.”
    “Jesus! I was taking an outdoor sportsmen workshop!” Dane shot a glare his way. “It was research for the store. It’s not like I was watching a movie or some shit.”
    Standing side by side this way, Lucy couldn’t help but notice how much the brothers looked alike. Tall, statuesque, and broad-shouldered. Dark hair and darker eyes. The only way to tell them apart was the patch of gray hair above Dane’s left ear and the tiny scar beneath Joey’s jaw. Although the twins were identical, they clearly didn’t see eye to eye on family issues. Once again, she thanked her lucky stars that she didn’t have family drama to deal with on a regular basis.
    “Dad is tired of doing the work himself.” Joey shook his head. “And clearly he doesn’t think he can count on you to be there. He’s asked me to help later. We were supposed to head over at four o’clock.”
    “That’ll give us a solid hour to fix the roof before we go out.” He grinned. “Plenty of time.”
    “We can go out another day,” Lucy interjected.
    “No, we’re going to do this tonight.” Dane’s voice softened as he addressed her. “The roof won’t take an hour to patch, especially if there are three of us doing it. Mind if we meet at the cavern so this guy doesn’t bust my gut about having to leave early? Just in case it takes longer than expected.”
    Lucy didn’t miss Joey’s eye roll.
    “That’s fine.” Tension rolled in her belly as she took out her cell and they exchanged numbers. “Call if something comes up.”
    “Done deal.” Dane strode away, snatching a drink off the bar as he went.
    Once Dane was out of listening range, Lucy grinned at Joey. “Told you hard-to-get works.”
    “Yeah.” His lips pressed into a tight white line. “You really know how to get what you want.” He stared, his gaze giving away nothing. “I’m going to get a drink. Want one?”
    “Can’t drink.” She shook her head. “Not while I’m working.”
    He turned on his heel and headed to the bar.
    She’d just gotten what she wanted: a date with the elusive Dane. Why, then, did she feel like she’d just soured something?

Chapter Eight
    Although it proved difficult, Lucy pushed the upcoming date with Dane out of her mind. She had an event to run, a harvest to monitor, and a safety board meeting renting out the

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