A Memory in the Black (The New Aeneid Cycle)

Read Online A Memory in the Black (The New Aeneid Cycle) by Michael G. Munz - Free Book Online

Book: A Memory in the Black (The New Aeneid Cycle) by Michael G. Munz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael G. Munz
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    "I don't think so. Nothing specific, anyway. But they said they found a bunch of encrypted data and they're convinced it's got something to do with what happened to Namura."
    "It may well have. Most of the critical data is kept at the Omicron Complex, but they could find a hint of what Paragon really is." She waved a hand. "Or it could be unrelated."
    Marc nodded. "Well, I'm sure things are contained so far. They think ESA may have known about a fatal risk, but they don't have cause to think the crater is anything other than a new research base. I don't think that they'll risk going in again without more help, though. They seemed pretty sure they'd be caught without a fourth."
    "They may have already placed themselves in danger."
    "What do you mean?"
    "Marc, if ESA thinks there is a possibility they know anything about what the site really is, they will do their best to make sure that information does not get out."
    " You think they'd arrest them?" Marc asked.
    Marette shook her head. "Someone in prison may still contact the outside world, Marc. Non , I do not think ESA would arrest them."
    M arc blinked. "You mean they'd kill them? Just like that? This isn't some shadow conspiracy group we're talking about, this is a visible, public organization."
    "A visible organization that has so far concealed a major discovery from the rest of the world. ESA has quarantined the mining crew that uncovered the site for the past six months. And you and I are part of 'some shadow government conspiracy.' One that does not believe in taking lives. I have been in the contingency meetings, Marc. ESA is prepared to use deadly force to conceal their secrets." Her fists clenched, her face flushed, and suddenly she was glaring at him. "I reported this to the AoA! Mon Dieu , how could you come here and not know what was at stake!"
    " I came here to help with the hack!" he stammered. "I only had time to read what was important!" Well that came out wrong.
    "What was important? This is important! Conserving lives is important! "
    "That's not what I mean!" Damn, he didn't want to be yelling at her!
    "How could you not know this?"
    Marc heaved a sigh and sat down on his bunk, rubbing his forehead. "I didn't mean lives aren't— I meant 'important' to the immediate details of the hack. I heard at the Council meetings what ESA would do to keep things secret. I just thought they'd need more than suspicion. Detain, publicly ruin, yes, but kill? On suspicion only?"
    " I believe they would."
    He sighed again . "I don't know, maybe I just didn't want to think they were capable of that. I'm behind a screen for most of what I do. It's not something I usually have to deal with like this." He shook his head and looked up at her again. Would she now think him heartless?
    Marette regarded him in silence for a time before she finally spoke. "I think about it every day," she whispered. The chill was fading from her voice.
    " I'm not naïve," Marc said. "I'm just. . . focused. I just didn't know it'd got to that point yet."
    " It may not yet be. But I fear the possibility."
    "Aside from the hackers, we're the only ones who know about it. That's as far as it has to go. I'll find a way to keep them from doing anything stupid."
    Marette frowned and crouched low to the floor , elbows on her thighs. "My position in the Space Agency would demand that I report their first attempt," she said. "But I will not. Necessarily, we did not ever have this conversation."
    Marc nodded. "There's no way they could prove you knew, even if they did somehow find out about the hack. I'll make sure the others don't risk a second try."
    "But another of endless secrets." She continued before he could comment on the burden in her voice. "Do you believe there was a consciousness behind what happened today? To Namura? An intelligence?"
    Was there? "I can't be sure. I mean, there seems to be an A.I. overseeing a number of automated systems, but I can't be sure of the relationship. This

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