Bachelor's Bait

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Book: Bachelor's Bait by Mari Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Carr
Tags: Erótica
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was about as romantic as a bull in heat and no girlfriend in the past had ever accused him of being too charming. “Just sex” was just fine with him, but that didn’t solve their current problem of time.
    Sophie wasn’t helping things either. Her hand returned to the front placket of his slacks and she lightly caressed the bulge he didn’t bother to hide. If she kept that up, he’d say to hell with everything and take her anyway.
    He caught sight of the tie she’d stripped off him. A dirty plan formed in his mind. Maybe they didn’t have time for sex, but they sure as hell had time to do a little messing around.
    Grasping the necktie, he pulled her hands behind her back. Sophie jerked with astonishment as he knotted the tie around her wrists, quickly and efficiently.
    He pressed a hard kiss on her lips to silence her. He could feel her struggling to escape the bonds. Lifting a hand, he loosely touched her throat, feeling for her pulse. It was definitely elevated but not alarmingly so. She wasn’t afraid.
    He stood up straighter and studied her face. “Are you okay?”
    Her brow creased. “You didn’t seriously just tie me up, did you?”
    “Yep. You like it?”
    She fought against the knot but he was no stranger to bondage. It would hold until he released her. “Untie me.”
    “Is the tie cutting off circulation?”
    She shook her head.
    “Is it hurting you?”
    Again, she shook her head.
    “Then I’m leaving it on. Just for a minute. I like the idea of having you at my mercy.” As he spoke, he began to unbutton her blouse. Sophie’s chest rose and fell faster as her breathing increased. Again, he studied her face. “I’m not going to hurt you, Soph. I’d never hurt you. You know that, right?”
    “We’ve only known each other a couple weeks.”
    He wondered if she kept repeating that fact to remind herself. He was having a hard time holding on to it too. “I know. Trust me anyway,” he whispered.
    Once her shirt was unbuttoned, he pushed it over her shoulders. The material tangled with the tie at her wrists. He left it there.
    She licked her lips, her gaze never leaving his.
    “Beautiful,” he murmured as he placed a soft kiss on her cheek. He pushed the straps of her bra off her shoulders. Instead of unfastening the lacy concoction, he reached inside the cups and lifted her breasts out. With her arms behind her and her breasts resting on top of the bra, she made a gorgeous display.
    He bent forward to suck first one then the other nipple into his mouth. He teased the tight nubs with his tongue as Sophie began to squirm on the desk. Her legs were pressed tightly together and he imagined she was trying to find some sort of relief from the building pressure.
    He nipped the tip he was currently playing with just enough to make her squeal, then moan. There was a fine line between pleasure and pain. It appeared Sophie wasn’t opposed to crossing it. He cataloged that idea for future reference.
    Taking a step back, he surveyed his work. Sophie was disheveled and sexy, pin-up-model worthy. He committed the way she looked to memory, knowing he’d never seen any woman look more stunning.
    Sophie was flushed from his attention to her breasts, her nipples hard and rosy-red. His mouth watered for another taste—but there was something else he wanted more.
    He placed his hands on her waist. “Stand up for a second.”
    She scooted off the desk with more grace than he would have thought possible considering her bound hands.
    When she stood before him, he reached for the hem of her short skirt and slowly lifted the silky fabric until it cleared her hips. “Sit back down.”
    Sophie reclaimed her seat on the edge of the desk. Marc reached beneath her knees and slowly spread her legs apart.
    “Christ. A thong,” he whispered.
    Even bound, Sophie was far from an inactive participant in their play. She stretched out her legs and wrapped her ankles around his hips in an

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