Let Me Go

Read Online Let Me Go by DC Renee - Free Book Online

Book: Let Me Go by DC Renee Read Free Book Online
Authors: DC Renee
Tags: Lust, Revenge, love, kidnap, desire, passion, go, let go, let me go
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eyes. But
now she knew better. And even though she subconsciously knew what
night she was reliving in her mind, she felt safe as he carried her
away. She couldn’t remember much more of the dream, of the memory,
but she figured that probably had to do with him drugging her. And
when she woke up, it hadn’t felt like a nightmare. It had just felt
like another dream. She really did feel bad for the guy underneath
the harsh demeanor, and that was clearly leaking into her
subconscious, but it didn’t mean she owed him anything. Nope, she
was still going to get under his skin and get herself out.
    That day had progressed much like the
others. She worked her ass off being the good little maid and still
remained pleasant, but Mason didn’t say a word. Even at dinner,
when she tried to ask him again what he did and how he was, he just
ignored her. At least he didn’t lash out at her. But part of her
wished he had. He locked himself in his room again that night and
Kat felt hopeless for the first time in the few days she had been
    The following day, Kat set his breakfast
down as usual. “Good morning.”
    He still didn’t speak to her, he didn’t
respond. If he was going to be like this, she was going to have a
hard time finding out more about him. She had to figure out a way
to get him to open up.
    “What did I do?”
    He looked up at her sharply, but there was
confusion in his eyes.
    “You say I got revenge on you and that I’m
responsible for you being locked up. I know it wasn’t me, but let’s
say it was and I can’t remember for some reason. What did I do?”
Still, he didn’t say anything, but there was something in his eyes.
She couldn’t put her finger on it, but it seemed to be a mixture of
confusion, fury and maybe even a bit of awe. So she continued.
“Look, I already told you I had nothing to do with it, but you
obviously don’t or won’t believe me. So let’s pretend it was me and
I can’t remember. I am asking you to help me remember. Maybe that
will fill in some missing pieces, at least for me.”
    “Oh, you’re good. You’re a piece of work,
you know that. You tell me you aren’t responsible and you plead
with your big hazel eyes. Quite the little actress. But you forget
one thing. I was there. I know it was you. I saw you with my own
eyes, even though you avoided me like a coward. And here you are,
almost making me believe you. If I was anyone else, I would
probably be questioning my own sanity. I was an upstanding member
of society and they believed a druggie whore over me! You won the
court over back then and you think you can win me over now?” He was
seething, she could tell.
    “I’ve never done drugs in my life, unless
you count me trying pot once in high school thanks to my foster
brother!” She was seething too, but didn’t get a chance to say much
more before Mason grabbed her arm and started to drag her. “What
the hell?” she yelled as he tightened his grip on her arm and
pulled her toward the bathroom.
    “You need to cool off,” he gritted through
his teeth when they stood in front of the shower. Oh, hell,
no, she thought to herself as she realized what he planned to
do. Kat started squirming, trying to get away, but he just held
tighter as he turned on the shower and then shoved her under the
freezing cold spray, clothes and all. She flailed and shouted
obscenities, trying desperately to escape his vice grip.
    “Clearly, I’m too nice to you sometimes. It
makes you forget your place. The sooner you cool down that
attitude, the sooner I turn off the water.” That finally got her
attention. She hated him in that moment; she also feared him. He
was as hot and as cold as the shower she was standing under. He
could snap on a dime, but the softer side sometimes made her forget
that she was a prisoner. The cold water sobered her thoughts and
allowed her to study him. He was breathing hard as if he had
undergone some strenuous activity, but she knew it was from

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